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Simone and Moe, the guard sent to stay with her and Whisper, sat quietly, listening to the clock ticking away. The two Alphas had left two hours ago and still there was no word as to how the battle was going. Simone glanced at the female lying motionless in bed once in a while, willing her to wake up. But she did not move once.

Moe was tall with blonde hair, brown eyes and a hard face. His eyes never seemed to come out of their glare and his body never relaxed. Sometimes, Simone wondered if he was actually alive because he didn't move. It was only when his phone buzzed that he moved to answer it, then put it back in his pocket when he was finished.

Simone sighed. Standing up, she went to the window and looked out at the vast forest beyond. She saw wolves darting in and out of the trees, men stationed under the window and the bright sun being covered with clouds so dark, they were almost black.

"Simone?" she heard Reed's voice in her mind.

"I'm here."

"How's everything going?"

"Quiet. Nothing is happening yet."


"How's the battle?"

She heard him sigh in frustration. "Not so good. We have three times the men, but they have strength. I called Thrain and Corey for backup as well as your father. Zane and I want you to take Simone to your mother's. If the guard gives you trouble, have him call Nico."

"Why mother's?"

"She's the only pack who's probably safest from all this shit. Plus, She can help Whisper. There should be a helicopter waiting on the roof of the hospital. The pilot is one of ours."

Simone bit her lip, keeping the tears at bay. "You'll let me know when it's safe, right? You won't die?"

"Don't worry, Beautiful, I'll find you."

Simone wiped her eyes and turned, seeing the guard reading his phone again. When she looked to Whisper, her heart clenched at the sight. No Luna should look like that.

The guard stood up. "We're leaving."

Simone nodded. "What do you want me to grab?"

"Whatever medication she might need on the flight, and extra oxygen." He hesitated for a moment, eyes flickering to her stomach. "If you can."

Simone got to work quickly, grabbing pain killers and bandages, plus a few other items. She dropped them all into a pack then turned to grab the oxygen tank that was waiting on standby. She went to pick it up, but nearly fell over from how heavy it was, of course, it wasn't that heavy. But she felt her strength leave her quickly from all the fast moving she did.

The guard had unhooked Whisper from all the tubes except the oxygen and lifted her into his arms when he saw Simone struggling. "Luna, let me get it. Just stay close behind me."

Feeling useless, Simone nodded. The guard picked up the tank hooked to Whisper, then grabbed the extra one in his other hand, balancing Whisper in his arms, resting her against his chest. Throughout the whole thing, she did not wake.

Moe led her out of the room and down the hall where a set of doors opened onto a stair well. He started climbing up, waiting on each landing for her to catch up. By the end three floors up, she was drenched in sweat. She opened the door for him and looked out onto the roof where there was indeed a helicopter waiting. Moe rushed Whisper over and buckled her in, securely placing the oxygen tank behind her in a safety compartment.

When he finished, he went back over for Simone. "May I carry you?" he asked.

Feeling somewhat dizzy from climbing, she nodded. He picked her up and went to the other side of the aircraft, setting her in the seat. He was about to buckle her when he remembered her stomach. Moe looked to the pilot for help, to which the pilot reached over and did the seatbelt.

Mate and Deception (Gifted Werewolf Series: Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now