Chapter 1 - Mysterious Mist

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This is my first story so I don't expect it to be good.


The mist would follow them everywhere. It was covering their face and the others around them would back away with fear in their face.

He watched from the sides. He watched as everyone would back away, run away, even the children.

He could make out a small smile, it was the only part visible in their face. He can't tell what gender they are, the hair they have id so long, yet. They don't seem like a girl.

When they walked past, the air felt cold. To cold for a human to handle.

When they disappeared, everyone acted like nothing happened. They went back to what they were doing.

"Wake up"



Tanjiro shot up from his dream. He's been seeing this person in his dreams for weeks, and each time they disappeared he woke up. He had school today. He check the time.

"Ah! I gotta get ready, I'll be late!!" Each time he woke up, he would miss all his alarms. But he would wake up at the same time everyday, he would almost be late everyday.

He rushed to get ready, when finished he went down stairs to see his mother getting his younger siblings ready for school.

"Tanjiro! I was about to wake you up. Nezuko has already left for the bus. The toast on the counter is for you!"

Tanjiro quickly grabbed the toast and yelled a thanks to his mother before leaving.

He swore he heard a chuckle behind him.


"Brother! What's with you lately? Your usually the one to be here first." His sister complained, his friends, zenitsu and inosuke were fighting. They paid no mind to the conversation.

"I'm sorry! Ill try to wake up earlier."

His sister did nothing but sign. And just as the others finished fighting, the bus came. And just as the bus came, the mist appeared.

The air felt cold now, but nobody noticed it. Only tanjiro.

He thought nothing of it. He just went onto the loud, annoying bus full of kids.

Tanjiro sat in the back, his friends sat with each other while tanjiro didn't have enough anyone to sit with. It doesn't bother him.

He wasn't hated at school, but he wasn't liked. He was that kid nobody bothered talking to, the kid who got good grades, the kid who was in between.

On his way to school, he still felt the cold air, he felt eyes watching him. But, nobody was looking at him. Nobody even knew he was there.

'What's going on?' He thought. The kids started screaming, it bothered tanjiro. He wasn't fond of loud things. He tried blocking the sound out, but it didn't work.

Cold. He felt cold hands covering his ears, nobody was there. But, he didn't hear the screaming anymore. It was like that for the rest of the ride.


"Heyyy tanjirooo! Do you have the homework? I forgot to do it.." Zenitsu, his friend asks him.

"I'll let you copy off me. Although we don't sit next time each other... I'll give you my paper but you have time give it back before we turn it in okay?"

"Of course! Thank you tanjiro."

Tanjiro smiled. Zenitsu always forgot to do his homework so he would give him the answers. Tanjiro handed him the paper and he ran off.

In class, he saw zenitsu quickly writing the answers. But, he saw him write on his paper to. When he finished, he handed it back to tanjiro.

"Thank you zenitsu for giving it back."

But zenitsu didn't reply. He just had a smile on his face.

It was strange.



Zenitsu had changed half of tanjiros answers. They weren't even right either.

Tanjiro didn't have enough time to fix it. The teacher had already started collecting, when he saw tanjiros paper. He had a disappointed look on his face.

"For an all A student you did Terrible..." He mumbled. Nobody else heard him.

It hurt tanjiros feelings. Why did zenitsu do that?

When the teacher walked past, the paper had been smacked from his hands. The glasses on his head have been smashed to

"What?!" The teacher yelled.

Tanjiro saw the same person from his dream. The mist surrounding them and they had a angry smile on their face. Then, it just disappeared.

'What the hell...' Tanjiro thought.


During class tanjiro felt... Strange. Like something was gonna happen, the 2 bully's that would mostly leave him be kept glancing angry looks at him. He didn't like that.

And if he was their new target... Then, he would have to explain to his mother why he has bruises. The bully's of this school are strong, nobody has ever tried fighting back against them.

Again, he felt the cold hands on his face. They wanted to calm him.

"Tanjiro! Pay attention please."

Oh, he wasn't paying attention. The class looked at him, everyone was looking at him. He felt nervous.

"I-im sorry!"

The teacher sighed and went back to teaching. The snickers from his classmates made him feel more anxious.

It only made matters worse when he saw zenitsu holding a laugh.

He didn't like it when so many people looked at him. He wasn't used to it.

This has never happened before, so what's happening? All of his life. Hes never had a day like this.

"Tanjiro! See me after class. You clearly don't show interest in my class." The teacher yelled.

"Yes sir.." He was holding in his tears. People were laughing at him and the teacher did nothing.

It v would all change. Of course it would, because it did. Everyone stopped laughing.

"What the hell!?" A classmate yelled. The attention was on them now, they looked freaked out.

Their notebook was in the air.

The class looked scared now. Yeah, it was just a flying notebook. Not scary.

It smacked the teacher right in their face. Thats funny right? Not much.

The teachers chalk had all been crushed, same for his laptop.

Then, zenitsu had gotten flung out of his seat.

Then the bell rang. Every ran out for lunch or to tell the other teachers what happened.


He was certain it was the person from his dreams doing this. Well, its obvious isn't it?

But, he didn't say anything. He was eating alone on the roof. Zenitsu was at the nurses, his sister was eating with his other friends.

Its alright tho. The cafeteria is loud.

Tanjiro is a nice person, a very nice person. But he's been feeling as if he shouldn't deserve to be happy. Strange things have been happening ever since he's gotten the dream. Is that why?

He remember the look on those bully's faces. He just hopes they don't come up here..


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