La La Lost You

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2 months later

It was nighttime, 9pm to be exact and Becky is still in her office. The past two months has been hell for her. She turned into a workaholic person. She drowned herself in work, have irregular sleep and do not eat properly on time.

After their break up, the postponement of the project was publicly announced. Many people were disappointed as they were left confused on why it was postponed. Both Freen's and Becky's side agreed to just publicly say that there was a conflict on manufacturing.

It has been two full months since Becky saw Freen. She would do anything just to not see Freen in the same events.

Two days ago, it was revealed publicly that Freen has an unknown girlfriend. That news saddened Becky even more because somehow she hoped that Freen would ask her to clear everything.

Days turned to weeks. Weeks turned to months. Nothing. Maybe Freen really wanted to let her go.

Becky believed that she was stupid enough to let Freen back in her life. After loosing Freen once, she lost her again. Two times of loosing her. Becky just wanted to give up.

Becky's friends there to help her after the break up, they took care of her and make sure that she at least eats properly and they always insist to Becky that she must not overwork herself. Countless of reminding that to Becky, but their friend didn't get any better.

All she wanted to do is work. She feels like she's escaping reality by working. It distracts her to her so many life problems, the pain, the heartbreak, the loneliness.

It's almost 10pm so she decided to go home now. It has been 8 days since she last went home. She's been in her office with Bonbon. At least Bonbon is so loyal to her and he will always be the one who can make her feel loved even if he's a dog.

She decided to fix her things, turn off the computer she was using, then she went out with Bonbon while he was on a leash.

When they went to her car, they were on the way home.

Becky decided to take a stop on the near convinience store in her apartment. She held Bonbon when she went in then she saw her.

It was Freen.

She's in the cashier, paying for her stuffs.

It feels like deja vu.

This was the same thing that happened before. But this time both were heartbroken.

Freen then turned she saw Becky.

Their eyes met and both seemed frozen to where they're standing.

Not until one of them moved. Freen decided to go in front of Becky. They were standing face to face right now.

Freen observed Becky. She looked tired, she looked pale, she looked like she lost some weight, but she still looks beautiful with her now short hair. Indeed the most gorgeous woman to exist.

Tears wanted to come out of their eyes. As soon as Becky's tears came out she left, while carrying Bonbon.

Becky just ran. She didn't expect to see Freen again this soon. She wanted to move on but if this will only happen again how could she move on.

Freen tried to chase her. "Becky! Becky!" She screamed while running. However, Becky ran fast and reached her apartment. She immediately locked the door and suddenly her legs were weak. She was crying hard. She couldn't breathe then everything went black. She collapsed.

Freen decided to follow her and reached the apartment. She was knocking hard on the door that Non went out to check. There are tears streaming down on Freen's eyes. They continued to knock on Becky's door and calling her name. They heard Bonbon who keeps on barking and Freen was alerted because something might've happened. Freen remembered that Becky told her that there was a spare key for her. She immediately searched for the key and and she found it.

When they opened the door, they saw Becky, laying on the ground, passed out. Freen immediately went to her and layed Becky on her lap. She was crying so hard seeing Becky like this. She blamed herself for what happened to Becky.

Non called an ambulance in an instant.

When they came the world was spinning for Freen. She was weak and fragile thinking that everything that happened to Becky was because of her.

They went to the hospital while Freen just held Becky's hand inside the ambulance.

Non followed them and Irin also came to the hospital.

The doctor talked to them and said that Becky was not doing fine. She was not eating properly and does not have enough proper nutrients in her body that made her collapsed and passed out.

For the meantime she will stay in the hospital.

Her friends need to go home because they both have work tomorrow. Freen asked them if she can be here with Becky and they agreed because they are aware of what happened.

They understand Freen as Freen always talk to them after breaking up with Becky so that she could know if Becky's doing well.

After they left, Freen sat on the sofa beside the bed where Becky was laying down.

She held her hand and kissed it. "I'm sorry my love. I am here now. I will be with you for as long as you want me."

As she said those words, she hoped that Becky could hear her.

Suddenly someone called her.

It was Sam, her sister.

She answered the call.

"Hey baby sis you know that I'm in the airport now right? So are you picking me up or what?" Sam asked Freen.

Freen cursed at herself for forgetting her sister.

"I'm sorry P'Sam, I'm in the hospital right now. Becky is hospitalized. I'll ask Nam to get you." Freen said.

"You dumbass you literally forgot me. Whatever I'm just going to call a cab and go at your house. I'll just leave my things and follow you there ok?" Sam replied to her sister.

"Yeah sure, I'm sorry again P'Sam, I hope you understand."

"You better fix what you did to your girlfriend, I swear I will be the one who'll throw you off if you don't win her back. Gotta go now, bye sissy, see you there." Sam said and hung up.

Freen remembered how her sister helped her in exposing Heidi. Freen was not sure if Becky heard the news but it seems like she was clueless of what happened because according to her friends, she busied herself too much during those two months.

Freen was able to free herself with the help of her sister and Nam. She will forever be thankful to them. Now her only mission is to gain back Becky's trust.

She would do everything for Becky.

It was now 1am, Freen was just staring at Becky while admiring her. She's very beautiful, inside and out. Her beauty will always stand out.

She remembered how a staff from Becky's company was able to talk to Freen and said that ever since the postponement of the project, Becky asked to them that they should address her as 'Miss Rebecca'. Freen assumed that this is because Bec wanted to show her strong image despite of the pain Freen caused to her.

This time Freen would prove to Becky how much she loved her. Becky is her world, her angel, and her comfort.

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