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Trevor's pov

'Why are you not doing anything?'

'With him in here? He'll get hurt.'

'He's a werewolf.'

'But that doesn't mean he can't feel pain.'

'Oh so you're scared of your boyfriend getting hurt. That's new.'


'Well you might wanna watch out for the Jack boy.'

"Hey punk! Back off!!"

"Just stay out off it Trevor. Please. It will be over soon."

He's crying. Motherfucker!!!

"Yeah Trevor. Stay out of it."

He tears Tyler's shirt off. He gets down on his and fucking traces his tongue from Tyler's abdomen to his neck!!

'Oh this is gonna be bad. I can already see the flames building up inside him.'


"What's your....oh God!!"

I free myself and move to Tyler

"Ty? Look at me."

"Please make it stop...please."

"It's gonna be fine. I promise."

"What the freak is happening?!"

"What's happening? You see Jack, you've messed with me. Like real bad. And do you know what happens to people who mess with me? They burn."

"I didn't...I'm sorry...please...I..."

"Say hi to my father for me. Burn!"

I instinctively hug Tyler. I sure as hell should have gotten him out first. The whole place goes ablaze.

Then I get wings. I mean two huge angelic wings. And they are completely different. I mean one's black and the other's white.


'I know. Is this supposed to happen?'

'The wings? That's a fifty fifty chance. But the difference, that's not supposed to happen.'

Tyler passes out.

'We need to get out of here. The smokes too much for him. And find a way to solve this.'



"I'm here. I'm here. Relax."

"But the fire... you're not hurt are you?"

He inspects me.

"Wait. I'm not hurt. How am I not hurt?"

He stares at me like he's realized something. I bet I know what it is.

"You...you had fucking wings sprouting from your back....and Jack's dead...and I'm not dead you're not dead...that was..."

"Shhh...relax. It's okay."

"Okay? Its not okay...you should have died! Heck I should have died...but I'm here. How the hell am I going to explain...oh my God!"

He's freaking out and he's gonna have a panic attack if he goes on like this. I get a bucket full of water. All this while he's still ranting. I submerge his head into the water once, twice, thrice.

"What was that for?"

"I had to get you back. You might have gone into shock."


"You need a shower and some rest."


"I know. I'll explain everything to you but after you rest."


"Now sleep."

"You're not staying?"

"No baby. I need to take care of something. I'll be back before you wake up."

"What if I wake up and you're not here?"

"Trust me you're not gonna wake up any time soon. Even your wolf is exhausted and that means more hours of blackout."

"How do you know this?"

"As I have told you, we'll talk later. Okay?"


I give him a kiss on the forehead and leave.

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