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Memories, sometimes feel more beautiful than the moments we are living currently

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Memories, sometimes feel more beautiful than the moments we are living currently. Even though our present gifts us something good yet we don't miss the chance to go back to past and to wander there if we get a glimpse of past reflected in the mirror of present.

After the night of musical endeavour next morning was all relaxing for Arjun. He was enjoying his practice session after a long as past days were worrisome to him. After wrapping up training session of girls with assistance of Nakul Subhadra came to call Arjun for breakfast.

She stood silently for sometimes in admiration of the warrior whose each move was worth to watch.

"If you sit down then your admiration for me won't be any less, Subhi. Moreover I will be cheered ensuring your comfort," Arjun spoke without looking back. Of course he had sensed her presence near him.

Getting the indication that he wanted to continue for some more time she sat down on a chair placed at a suitable distance.

Completing his practice he came near her, and sat on the chair beside her. She cleaned the sweat over his face with the edge of her veil.

"It has occurred after so long!" She thought while getting close to him to wipe his sweat beads.

Though they both were together his anxiety had gaped their closeness in terms of the lack of their lovely time. His touch was for her, but the vibes of that touch had gone low. After reviving that vibe of his touch a blush ornamented her  face, especially her cheeks which were trying to resist the obvious effect of her blush.

"So, any compliment about me!" His loving voice made her look at him.

"Why should I give you compliment?" Entering into banter she prefer a question rather than teasing anyone directly.

"For making you happy at early hour of morning. Don't I deserve a compliment for that? Don't repeat any compliment I got before while praising me," He lead her intention forward.

"Happiness isn't an emotion to be given  but to get that on your own. So, It's not you it's me, the reason of my own happiness," It was definitely not easy to get anything from her if she didn't have any wish of doing that.

"Looks like you don't have any new compliment for me. You are running out of words to compliment me. That's why you are giving excuse. It's fine, Subhi!" Provoking her he was a bit hopeful about his success.

"You are sounding like a child!" She giggled ruffling his hairs making those a bit messy.

"What was that, Subhi?"

"That was your compliment,"

Indeed that was the compliment he didn't get from anyone. For his mother he was a responsible son. For his elder brothers he was obedient, and for younger ones he was affectionate. Handsome and heartthrob of girls wherever he went. Never in his life he had received a compliment like she gave.

"So you want me to keep my demand ahead like an adult, right?" He stood up from his place, and captured her from both sides blocking the chance for her to escape.

"I caught the meaning of your words. You are missing my that side, the attitude of being adult," Smirking at her he was getting closer to her.

"Bhrata Bheem!" She uttered in hurry.

"He can't do anything to me. He is kinda helpless regarding this matter," He didn't consider her words which turned into his trouble in no seconds.

"What did you tell? I am helpless!" Dragging Arjun towards him Bheem was fuming in dramatic anger.

"Bhrata Bheem! You are here! What a pleasant surprise!" Arjun tried to calm his mighty brother with stumbled words.

"Don't try to apply any trick on me. I have heard what you told. There isn't a single matter on which my interference won't work," Stressing his words Bheem tightened his grip around Arjun.

"I am sorry, Bhrata Bheem!" Arjun apologized immediately.

"Say sorry to my sister too for insulting her mighty brother," Bheem widened his eyes making Arjun Gulp.

"Sorry, Subhi for underestimating your mighty brother," For keeping himself safe Arjun followed Bheem's words.

"Well done, Bhrata Bheem. You made Bhrata Arjun to apologize to you twice," Sahdev giggled followed by Subhadra.

"You both are here, suddenly! How?" Arjun asked eying at Sahdev as turning towards Bheem could have proved dangerous to him someone.

"We came here for our sister. She must be missing my hand made food, and I can't let her and my unborn nephew to long for my hand made food," Bheem looked at Subhadra affectionately.

"That was why bhrata Bheem had prepared a full day meal for bhabhi waking up early in morning, and obviously tormenting the cooks and assistants," Arjun chuckled at Sahdev's words.

"Dev, do want to experience that torment too?" Sahdev ran to stood behind Subhadra at Bheem's glare.

"Leave them, Sister. Let me show you what I have brought for you," Escorting Subhadra with himself Bheem went from there. Sahdev too followed them maintaining a safe distance.

"As it is weekend my brothers can probably stay here till evening. I was thinking to do something special for you, but seems like it can't be happen in day light," Arjun chuckled to himself settling his hairs.

He had planned something for her after a pretty long time. It was going to be special, of course, but unknown to him in which term whether romantically or in some other way.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact you liked here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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