(19) Dear, you.

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(a/n: writing this at 00:20 am. with Jungkook playlist in the background, let's see how it goes.

In The Sunset Where We Met.

Chapter 19: Dear... You.


"Tu, tu, ru, ru, tu, tu ru," he turns around heading towards the kitchen. "La, la, la, da, dah, dah, dah."

The dog appears wagging his tail from side to side in the kitchen, soon, the young guy is having him jumping at him. Happily.

"Yo, Bam!"

Surprisingly, he was happy too.

A fresh smile took over his face that morning, and his enthusiastic mood said it for him. The weird thing was that it was a normal day.

He didn't have a schedule, he didn't have an encounter planned. It was just him and his hopeless heart inside his empty apartment. A place that now was filled with warm memories not only for him but for someone else. And he should be afraid of it, but he wasn't.

And as he says it, he woke up happy

Destiny, fate, whatever you want it to be, existed then. Or that's what he thought when, after feeding Bam, he found a letter in front of his door.

He could've confused it, that could've been just a whatever correspondence letter there.

Except that, the way his heart skipped a bit just by seeing that piece of paper on the floor made him know that it wasn't.

It was the response, the answer coming from her, finally on his hands.

(a/n: he is so squeezable.)

Dear... John...

Know that at poems good I'm not good at

So we're not doing that.


How dare you to don't know my full name?

Is that you live in Marth?

Because it's common acknowledge

that it's with an "L" not an "N"

Oh my God.

I can't believe you commit such a mistake! (Joke ;) )

so... how are you?

Attentively, Lili-

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