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Name had finally gotten away. Figuratively that was. Her husband had relented enough to let her explore the vast village, that she's never explored.

But, of course not every want was exactly how you want it to go. Her husband had simply invited himself into the trip as well. This annoyed her to the fullest, yet she tried to keep herself calm. Once she gets upset and yells at him, it'll be all over for her. She'll never see the beautiful shine of the sun again.

She tried distracting herself from him by looking at the beautiful scenery. Her husband was a man of great importance to the Vasilios council. He was the prince's good friend a better friend than any other so he told her.

Not that she's ever seen or heard of the works of his so-called friend. Eros Orna Vasilios was a name forbidden to be mentioned in her husband's house. At first, she had not questioned it, but now curiosity took over her. What was there between her husband and the prince that he was trying to hide from his wife?

Name pushed the thoughts away. She should not think of this when she was supposed to be happy that she was out.

As the carriage stopped, her husband took her wrist. "You know the rules." He said, in a threatening tone. "Do not dare try escaping. Or you're never coming out of that house understood?"

She nodded, she was not planning on doing it anyway. Yet her dear husband just had to assume that so many things came to her mind once she was out in the sun.

Her husband scanned the crowd before letting go of her wrist. "I expect you in this location by evening fall. If you are not back by then—"

"You'll lock me up in my room again and never let me out ever." She cut him off. "I am aware of your threats, darling. I will not run." He regarded her with a cool stare before waving her off.

Finally! Alone at last, she ran through the stalls looking at the beautiful things made by the commoners.

The place was lively, so many people chattering and enjoying themselves under the sun.

As she bought some food from a cheerful and kind vendor, she overheard a conversation.

"Do you think the prince will choose another bride?" A lady said in a hushed tone.

"I am not sure. Isn't he in love with Lady Solon?" Another female asked.

The first lady shook her head. "I heard they barely get along and he plans on leaving her." She had to strain her ears to hear the rest of the conversation. Apparently Lady Medea and His Majesty were engaged, but from what the lady said Eros had broke off the engagement for a reason she had not heard properly.

"I heard he has quite an interest with Duke Armani's daughter." This made her pause. Her? The prince had an interest in her? It would've been normal of commoners to think the such, but a lady such as the two? The thought gave her a bad feeling.

Was this what the nobles thought of her as? No, it couldn't be right?

She walked away before those ladies said something that might upset her day even more.

After an hour of walking around the village, she got tired and found a cafe where she could sit for a while. A sigh escaped her lips, she was exhausted. She still had hours to explore.

At that moment, a man entered the cafe. The mysterious male went to a nearby table and sat there. At that same moment as she stared at him with interest, the man turned her way.

She flushed as they made eye contact. She looked away from those crimson eyes, looking towards the window. How embarrassing. She wondered what her husband was doing while she was gone. Perhaps he was enjoying himself?

Meanwhile, her husband was being beaten up by the prince himself.

"You traitorous bastard." Eros Vasilios glared as he kicked the man. "Marrying a girl who you know I like." He took him by the collar. "Perhaps we can make a deal, no? Unless you wish to die, of course." His voice was threatening him and the beaten up male knew it.

"What deal..." The male could barely breathe as the prince was choking him. His hand gripped onto the traitor's neck.

A dark chuckle escaped Eros' lips as he let go of his neck. "You of all people should know what I want." He stared at pitiful figure.

"She...won't...let...you..." The male choked out the words as a sudden tug of his hair brought waves of pain and agony.

"Not unless I order her. And I will." Eros' eyes were filled with a venomous rage.

"You're a monster." The man spat out as Eros laughed.

"Maybe I am, but you won't be there to tell her."

"You plan on killing me then?" He said through gritted teeth.

"I am not that foolish, no. I will keep you alive. But, of course you'll be spending your worthless days in a dungeon." Eros smirked. "Guards, take this filth away."

"What about his wife, sir?" The head guard asked.

"I will tell her myself." He put on his gloves. "Focus on the traitor."

Name came back to the location, just as the sun set fully. There she was met with an unexpected sight. A royal coach.

What was it doing here?

A male came out of it. Blue hair and piercing grey eyes that almost looked white. "You must be his wife." The male said, holding out his hand. "Eros Orna Vasilios, a pleasure it is finally to meet you."

A gasp escaped her lips. The prince himself! He was as charming as the ladies of the court had said. "What are you doing here, Your Majesty?" She asked, nervously.

"Your lord husband has gone through quite a predicament." This made her even more nervous as she stared into those grey eyes. "He has betrayed the empire!"

Her eyes widen. That struck her harder than a slap ever would. "H-He what?!" Her head was spinning as she tried processing everything that he just said. Her husband? Betraying the empire?!

"I understand that this may be hard for you, Lady Name." Eros said, as he stepped closer. "While we figure out what to do with him, you shall stay in the castle as my guest." He murmured as he took her hand. "It truly is a bad timing, and I apologize for ruining your day."

He then escorted her to the coach, and they went back to the castle.

There she was taken to her room, but with much pleading the prince allowed her to speak with her husband.

"Name?" Her husband sat up from his bed when he heard her familiar voice. "Listen you have to get out—" his eyes widen as he saw the prince next to his wife.

The prince gave him a victory smile as he leaned by the wall. "She wanted to see you. Be glad I agreed." He shrugged, before settling down to let the two talk.

The two exchanged statements for a while, the female was so worried for her husband. This enraged the already pissed off Prince even more as he finally spoke up. "Perhaps we should go now, my lady. Your husband will need his rest for tomorrow's meeting." Name sighed as she let go of her husband's hand, standing up to go to the prince.

The prince looked at her, giving her a small smile to comfort her. "Go on ahead." He said, looking at her then her furious husband. "I'll be there in a moment."

The moment Name was out of the way. Eros walked to the cell with the male.

"What do you want?" The male spat out.

Eros smiled. "Just came to tell you not to worry."

"About what?"

"Don't worry because she's in great hands." Eros said darkly as he walked away. 

monomanie. ∿ d. agriche & e. vasilios.Where stories live. Discover now