11: Tests of the Headmistress

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The only clear thing in Bloom's vision is a woman telling her, "When the time comes, find me." And then she's back in her room with Aisha.

"What the hell just happened?" Aisha asks.

Bloom stutters, "I think I just saw the fairy who left me in the human world." She's unsure if Aisha understood the fast words pouring out of the redhead's mouth but had to hope.

And soon, the two of them in the cafeteria. Bloom looks at the photos on the wall.

"Can we not do this again?" Aisha asks.

"I know, I know," Bloom mutters. "There just are a few maybes. I know it's hard to see what someone's gonna look like when they're old, but... see, if I squint my eyes and tilt my head, this Farrah Fawcett one is a dead ringer."

"There are a lot of fairies in the Otherworld, Bloom."

Bloom looks at her. "Well, you said the most powerful ones come through Alfea, right?"

"Technically, Alfea looks for magic potential when they admit fairies, but, yes, powerful fairies come through the school."

"This woman embedded a memory into my head sixteen years ago. That seems pretty powerful."

"If that's what happened."

Bloom frowns. "What else could it be?"

Aisha breathes out. "I just don't want you to get your hopes up."

The redhead nods but says, "The night I opened myself up to magic, I got a memory. She said find me, Aisha. She put it there for a reason. I know she's too old to be my mom but one of them at least has to know who she is."

Aisha relents. "Maybe Terra's dad has some old yearbooks we can look through," before Bloom gets any ideas, she continues, "after the class we are officially late for. Let's go."


He's completely and utterly focused on fighting Riven- no, he's not. He can't lie about what he's really thinking. Who he's thinking of. His mind is half on Davina and Silva while the other half competes with Riven. Thinking of her arm and how it healed and how she ran.

"Sky, watch your footwork."

The comment from Silva catches him off guard and gives Riven an edge he wouldn't have noticed otherwise. It only takes the brunette a few more hits and attempted kicks before he lands the blow on Sky's feet, taking him down in seconds.

"Nicely done, Riven," Silva says, "nicely done."

Sky groans internally as Riven helps him up. His gaze shifts to Silva. "Does he seem worse to you?"

"What, Riven gets a compliment and all of a sudden Silva has brain damage?" Riven questions with a small laugh.

The blonde can't help his smile but rolls his eyes. "It's been a week since he got infected by the Burned One." The two of them make their way toward Stella. "I dunno. Maybe I'm overreacting. What do you think, Stel?"

She looks up from her phone. "About what?"

"Silva." He and Riven sit down next to her. "How does he look to you?"


"Dr.Stella coming through with a zero-effort diagnosis," Riven says sarcastically.

Stella rolls her eyes and looks at Sky. "Are you training later or are we hanging out before the party?" He barely hears her, his focus on Silva now instead of Davina. "Sky?" He hums in reply. "He's fine. Professor Harvey still has him on the Zanbaq, right?"

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