Volume 0 chapter 1

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Volume 1 CHAPTER 0 3RD POV

once where a friend, father and ally stood these 7 mysterious figures took his place, to say everyone was on edge would be an understatement the first to speak was surprisingly Trisha pushing aside a stunned Leto and pressing the speaker button

Trisha:" who are you..where's Hohenheim" she yelled distraught and crying

?: "worry not Trisha, we didn't do anything to him he merely chose this option." the smallest one said the others merely nodding

Trisha:" what do you mean" now calming down with a confused face

???:"you see the old man decided that this was the best way to help the world and trust me lady im as confused as you are" one of the figures that seemed to be wearing glasses said.

Edward:"that still doesn't answer the question Who, Are, You" Edward said glaring at the seven figures

??????:"your right where are my manners, you see we...are the seven deadly sins, given life from the fragments of Hohenheim's soul" the figure that was seemingly had the most perfect posture

?:"I am PRIDE" the small almost childlike one said

??:"I am LUST" the only women among the group said

???:" I am ENVY" a man with long hair said

????: "I'm GREED nice to meet ya" the one with sunglasses said

?????:"SLOTH" the biggest of the group said

??????:" I am WRATH" said the one with a mustache said

???????:" and lastly I'm GLUTTONY" the round one said

Ed:" your telling me, the old man sacrificed himself to summon the seven deadly sins to help us...THE HELLS THAT GONNA DO" he yelled in disbelief

Greed:" oi pip squeak we can certainly do more than you can" he replied smiling at the frustration that Ed showed.

Lust:"don't tease him too much he might pop a vessel." she said with a smile.

Leto:" as much as i would like this to continue im afraid ill have to agree with Edward what could you 7 possibly do that we can achieve with time and science" Leto said through the speaker.

Pride:" we may as well show you...tell me do you have a test chamber or training arena?" Pride asked.

Al:"yes just follow me" Al said deciding it best to intervene now before something happens.


We see inside a large room with the 6 of the sins off to the side watching as Pride stood in the middle. the rest of the facility behind reinforced glass observing them, seeing how they could help them.

Pride:"Let's begin!" all of a sudden shadows erupted from his feet somehow having teeth and eyes able to almost cover the entire room slicing pieces of metal here and there. Behind the glass everyone was shocked having seen nothing like this before the metal in there was the toughest they could find and this thing just cut through it like nothing.

Greed:"Oh oh me next, me next" he said running past pride as he walked back to the side. He stood there for a second before slowly his skin started to turn gray slightly matte and reflective at first it was just his hand s than his arms then the neck and finally the face, once he was fully covered he decided to punch a massive hole in the floor showing just how strong this 'armor' was to the researchers. Then bowing as the armor retracted.

Lust:"I guess i'll go next" she walked up to the glass with a smirk. She raised her hand closed her eyes and then bam her fingers had become claws and had just punctured the glass they were looking through never even slowing down. They were baffled as to how it was nearly a ft thick. She then retracted the 'claws' before walking back a sway in her hips.

Envy:"man this is so lame but i'll go next" he walked to the back of the room before stopping, he closed his eyes seemingly concentrating he opened the red lighting surrounded him as his hair turned blonde his figure slowly getting smaller his eyes changed color, and before they knew Edward was standing right there "i bet you're surprised right ha you humans so simple" he said sounding just like him before changing back.

Sloth:"what a pain" he walked forward almost waddling, the ground shook with each step he took. He looked to the wall before he disappeared and reappeared crashing into it. The dent he made was nearly the size of the wall itself and he just walked right out as if nothing happened, yawning while doing so.

Wrath:"i'll show you that strength isn't needed when you have precision, if you don't mind do you have any blades and some training bots" he said that last part looking at the cracked window a few seconds later the floor opened up a blade appearing he wrapped inspected it and finally did some practice swings as he was doing this one of the bots snuck up be hung him ready to drive a fist through him, but at the last second he sliced it into tiny pieces it seems as though he never turned around.

Gluttony:"YAY it's my turn now" he walled near the center of the room his front facing all the debris and all of a sudden his stomach opened up teeth showing and a singular eye in the center, the wind started to pick up first dust was drawn towards it than small rocks and eventually pieces as big as himself and then nearly the whole wall. In seconds nearly the entire roomed disappeared in to him."mmm that was filling" he said in joy.


Leto:'is this the power of truth...how can i attain such a thing'

Ed:'the power these 7 have is incredible, we'll be able to keep everyone safe with them here'

And with that the demonstration finished everyone collectively decided Further testing needed to be done to fully understand these sins

A - sorry if its a bit shorter

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