F o r y o u

360 28 1

Ey, guys. Karin here.

Here's my first story, so don't expect much from it. I won't really tell you it's fantastic or anything, but I'll tell you this.

This story is dedicated for all of you.

For every heart out there who are still unnoticed. When you don't have enough courage to even say "hi". When that person you like is someone who's for everyone.

Thoughts like those shouldn't weaken you. All you need to do is gather some powers called "confidence", man up (or woman up, I guess), then reach out. Try, try, get broken, stand up, and try again.

But look, you don't have to listen to some kid's opinion. Like everyone else, I am naive. Naive as everybody could be.

And, always remember.

You are in love.

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