3 | l e t t e r

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Dear Sam,

I kind of realized we're quite similar in some ways.

You love to keep things to yourself, just as much as I do. You're that girl who would stay in front or at the back of the class, but never in the middle. You prefer vanilla over chocolate, though your favorite is mocha. You have that habit of running your hand through your hair whenever you're thinking. Or how you let your hair fall when you're in class, while you turn it into a messy bun in the library.

But still, I like every single thing about you, may it be similar to mine or not. I just love you for being you. Your dimples when you grin, those red stray locks of your hair, your quiet chuckle. I love them all.

What I love the most? Your smile. Out of six billion smiles in the world, yours are my favorite.

Wait, I never thought I'm so cheesy.

It's probably because I'm happy lately. I could also see you're brighter than usual. And by brighter, I mean that you're smiley. And you look happy. And... I think you get the picture.

Also, thanks for not throwing my letters. I know I'm kinda weird for asking you to keep those. I just want you to remember there was once this cheesy boy who fell head over sneakers for you.

That boy is me. And will always be me.

To make sure you won't forget, I'll tell you again.

You're breathtakingly beautiful. Don't you forget that.


Letters for SamWhere stories live. Discover now