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"Leah, don't do it!" Jacob roared with authority and power. His eyes raked across the field toward me, then away so fast I wasn't sure if I imagined it. I was standing a ways away from him but could still notice how entirely different he became, leaning from Leah with panicky eyes. "Damn it! Leah! Stop!"

The initial shock wore off slowly, leaving me with something else in its absence — fear. I stayed still, unmoving, hoping the expression if you don't move, it won't see you would be somewhat true. But what I couldn't stop was my pounding heart yanking all around my chest, trying to pry its way out of me. I felt like I was going to be sick, but was jolted back to reality after hearing a struggling snap.

The horror that scarred my face before changed to disbelief and confusion.

Deep inside the wolf, a different battle took place, more violent and furious than I could ever imagine. Leah was trying, fighting with everything she had, trying to escape.

Because she was trapped.

I whirled, waving to get Jacob's attention with both hands over my head. Granted, I was too far away; my calls weren't getting through the impenetrable wall of his survival instinct. As I narrowed my eyes, I saw a different change. Jacob's deep inhales became slower and smoother, and color returned to his face.

I heard the advancement of something in the distance. They were so low I could barely listen to them over the growls. But this overpowering fear was too amazing, I was afraid to look away from him and follow his glance. I was too overwhelmed by the relief when he started to smile slowly.

Damn it, hold on, Jacob! We're coming! I heard a voice thudding inside my head.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

And then everything became still, silent. The possible unnamed sounds that echoed all around me cranked down in its volume. From Jacob, I felt these cold, invisible hands clench the sides of my burning cheeks. Colder than Edward and Emmett combined, whipping my head directly to Leah. Like these hands were part of a person, a person who wanted me to see . . . death. My death. The wolf's eyes were glistening. They looked hungry.

Shimmering with pleasure, fascination, and turpitude, these eyes rocked me slowly in their caressing arms. My nails dug into my palms again, and I pressed my fist against my chaotically quivering mouth to keep from screaming.

I knew where I needed to go, someplace far. But how long would it take Leah to find me? I couldn't add it up.

Almost there, Jake! Jared's voice echoed.

What was going on? How could I hear them?

"What the hell are you waiting for," Jacob ordered, his voice a slap. "Run!"

I flinched as the sound of it struck me. He stared at me with horror in his eyes. Run . . . it was the only word that kick-started all my senses in overdrive. The adrenaline that pulsed hot and fast through my veins brought me into a sudden burst.

I turned the other way and booked it.

There were no words to describe how fast I was running. In a matter of seconds, I was already halfway between Leah, Jacob, and freedom, ripping through the air like a racehorse. My shoulders barely had time to propel in unison with my legs, which I could no longer see. I was shaking so much; everything around me blurred like a mirage. Looking back up, aghast broke across my face, and a violent, confused tremor rocked through me.

What was Jacob looking at? There was nothing noticeable to my human eyes when I met the direction he stared at. I saw a mixture of awe, wonder, and gratitude.

Warmth - The Warmth Trilogy [BOOK 1] Twilight FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now