Chapter 2

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The blaring sound of my alarm shocked me out of my dream, full of volleyballs, crowns, and a fiery sunset. As I picked up my bag to leave, I put Tadeo's food out for him, and said goodbye. I wrote a post it note for my sister, and left it on the fridge.

"I'll see you next week. Remember that your sociology paper is due on Thursday, and that Tadeo needs walked every day. Blueberry x"

Blueberry was the nickname that Miwa gave me when I was just three years old. She was seven at the time, and we were in the shop. She always told me that I pointed at the blueberries and my eyes went wide.

"Do you want them then?" Miwa looked at our nanny, and she nodded. Miwa told me that I ate the whole pack in the car, and cried when they were finished.

"If you eat anymore you'll turn into a blueberry." Our nanny shouted from the back of the car.
"I'm sure he'd like that."

And that's how it became a name, she's called me that every day since then. I poured out a bowl of cereal, and went to look for eggs to make a tamagoyaki, but there were none. I sighed and remembered I had asked coach if we could stop by Sakanoshita in the morning, and I amde a mental not to drag Hinata with me. Since I had time to kill, I played with Tadeo outside for a bit, before saying goodbye. I picked up a carton of blueberry milk from my fridge, put in my headphones, and left my house. The steady beat of the song matched the rhythm of my steps, and within minutes, I reached the bridge that overlooked the creek. The sun was slowly rising from the earth, and I could tell it would be light soon enough. I finished the carton of milk and shoved it in the overflowing bin, just as I heard a voice shouting out from behind.

"Morning Kageyama!" How is this guy so upbeat even at the crack of dawn? His orange hair bounded up to me and stopped right before the rail. He leaned over the rail and took a deep breath in, taking in the morning air.

"Too early for this." I turned and walked away as he ran to follow me.

"It's not that early, I used to get up at that time to go for a run." This guy.

"Did you have any breakfast? I was gonna quickly head into Sakanoshita and grab some tamagoyaki."

"Will it be open at this time?"

"Coach said he'd get his co-worker to open early." I turned the corner that led to the hill, this time we were going down it.

"Okay, you're buying this time."

"Only if you beat me!" I set off on my left foot and sprinted down the hill, leaving a shocked Hinata in my wake.

"Not fair Bakayama!" He chased after me, and I turned around to see his face fully exposed as his hair was pushed away from him, eyes wide, and a smile wider and brighter than the sun. I nearly tripped up, running and staring at someone isn't the best combo I'd say. When we reached the store, I was just slightly ahead of Hinata, so he had to pay.

"So not fair, Kageyama." The bell jingled as we walked out of the store, leaving an exhausted and annoyed looking cashier behind us. I bit into the savoury egg omelette and groaned. This is what dreams are made of.

"Didn't know you liked tamagoyaki so much Bakayama." Hinata turned to face me, with his halfway in his mouth.

"Chew before you speak dumbass." I thumped Hinata's back as he coughed.

 Nishinoya and Tanaka showed up as we got closer to the school, Tanaka with a bunch of bananas in hand.

"I think Kiyoko would want one of these, don't you?"

"Tanaka, you know nothing about women." Nishinoya put on his 'i'm definitely wise' face and Hinata sniggered.

"Why don't you ask Hinata, he's practically a girl." This time it was Tanaka and Nishinoya who were laughing, and Hinata joined in, reluctantly.

"Shut up Bakayama you meanie!" Him saying this made me let out a chuckle, nowhere near as full of joy as Tanaka's, Nishinoya's or Hinata's but it was a laugh, and it made Hinata's face light up when he saw it, weird. We reached the school quickly, and Ukai shoved us all on to the bus. Everyone was sitting beside who you would expect, but Narita was on his own, asleep.

"Come sit down here Kageyama!" Hinata pointed at a pair of seats opposite Asahi and Nishinoya. Tanaka had looked a little lost because Nishinoya chose to sit beside Asahi, but Kiyoko had waved him over, and I swear he cried a little. Yachi had already fallen asleep, while lying across a pair of seats, so we all decided to leave her be.

"I'll take the aisle seat if you want the window." Hinata quickly moved into the window seat before I changed my mind. Coach stood up and walked down the aisle of the bus to reach everyone.

"Okay boys, I know you're all tired so get some rest, and we'll stop for a hot breakfast at around 10 before continuing on. We should arrive in Tokyo at about 12 and lunch will be served at half 2. These are the only meals outside of the training camp that you will get so savour them. Be quiet as well, I want to sleep too." He sat back down before the bus started moving again. Hinata looked out the window, mesmerised by the passing fields.


"Totally! I can't believe we get to go to another one of these camps!" He looked ecstatic, but he quickly yawned after.

"Go to sleep Boke. You'll need your rest." He sighed and rest his head against the back of the chair. I copied him, and I didn't fall asleep straight away, but I felt relaxed. After a while I felt a weight on my shoulder, and I looked to see a bundle of tawny hair in my eyeline. I went to push him off, but he was asleep. As my heart jumped, I adjusted myself so that my shoulder was lower, so his neck didn't have to strain as much. I rest my head on top of his soft hair and closed my eyes, this time falling asleep straight away. This means nothing, right?

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