CHAPTER 8: Mirror.

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Hollow's ride on the Nijarin was quick, the tunnels were carefully made and designed for their travel.

She then quietly looked around the station she ended up in, it seemed infused with the basement of someone's home. With a note board covered in reminders, some scattered books and bottles, and some clothes.

Hollow went upstairs and was greeted by a kitchen and a locked door, which she unlocked and walked outside.

She was back in Deter, the small village she passed through when she first arrived to the kingdom.

The man in the center was there...but so were many other figures she didn't recognize. But she did see one...

It was Spot! He was giving a speech to the townsfolk!

Hollow walked up into the crowd.

"See my brethren? It is not a death sentence down there! We can survive! We can thrive! We just need get rid of Rada! I've met the resistance, their great people-!"

Spot stuttered upon noticing Hollow.

"In fact! I have one right here! Hollow! Get up here!"

Hollow jumped at her name but walked up anyway.

"Hey I remember you-! You walked through here weeks ago!"

The older warrior called out to her.

'Yeah, Sorry about that.' Hollow quickly signed to him.

"I met Hollow here in the caverns! Oh and...wait. Where's Carmen?"

Spot looked down at Hollow...who also looked down. Gripping her necklace.

"O-oh...we about that later."

Spot cleared his throat, his energy returning.

"My point is-! We can do this! We just have to rally our strength!!!"

The other townsfolk chattered amongst themselves, and Spot looked at Hollow.

"Hey feelin okay?" He looked and whispered to her.

Hollow took a minute to answer...and shrugged before signing.

'Im doing better, I spent several days with Luke...I think. Its hard to remember...'

Spot sighed.

"I'm sorry Hollow...but it'll be okay."

"We've made our decision Spot."

A feminine voice spoke, and he whipped around.

Her mask was like Spots, but more butterfly like.

"Indeed we have."

The older warrior walked up in front of her and pulled a sword of his hip. Pointing it to the sky.

"We will find our way to the resistance!!!"

Spot seemed ecstatic

"Yes!!! Thank you all!!!"

"We will make preparations and leave in the morning!!!"

Spot walked away with woman who spoke, and the rest of the town went back into their homes...minus Hollow and the Warrior.

'You don't have a home?'

Hollow signed to the man.

"Nope...Im a guardsman. I barely sleep at all. Keep the town safe from monsters and thieves..."

Hollow reached into her body and pulled out the letter Luke had given her...

"Huh? Is that for me?"

He grabbed the letter and stared at it.

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