chapter one

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Third person pov:

Jackson was walking through del Mar when he started here cheers from the governor's house.

Wait, wasn't the governor suppose to be out of town for some shit? He thought, not really caring but curiosity peaked. When he walked down the street towards the other side of town away for the "idiots of the east" as he called them, he saw colorful flashing lights. Looking towards them, he saw the governors house. He heard them playing a song, it sounds like cheering too.

Fuck it he thought as he quietly opens the door to he house, not giving a damn anymore. He then saw it. Him. The puss in boots. An outlaw to the governor but a hero to the people. He just stared in awe, wondering how a talking cat be in a world such as this. As puss began descend towards the table, he pushed through the crowd of people and made it just in time to see as the table cloth set fire and puss begin to dance with the chicken. As he came to the end of the table, he faced him and winked, causing jacksons face to heat up. "How the fuck-" Jackson mumbled to himself, questioning his own sanity as his thoughts drifted to some rather untraversed territory.

As puss was balancing on a piece of curtain, just above the governors portrait, everyone heard the doors fly open. When he turned around to see the governor himself, he dead panned, unamused by his appearance. Before anyone could get a chance to speak, Jackson yelled, "fuck off no one wants you here. Don't you have some shit to do somewhere else?"

"How dare you speak- and what are you doing here puss in boots!?" He replies, only just now taking notice of the presence of the outlaw in his house.

"Hola governor, hold on let me just-" puss said, starting his descent from above the floor while tearing apart the portrait with his claws until hitting solid concrete.

Jackson starts laughing at the misfortune set on the governor, especially seeing how pissed he is at puss, he was a bit of an asshole to the people in del Mar so it served him right for being a bitch to them all.

The governor yelled "GET HIM" as he pointed at puss, sending the townsfolk into a frenzy. As he was trying to get out of the house unscathed, a sword was sent his way. Before he could duck out its the way, an orange blur flew in front of him, blocking the sword. "No sword has touched puss in boots, or the ones he protects!" He states, looking back and winking at him. Jackson stood still for a moment, staring at puss in awe, before snapping out of it and fleeing the scene in front of him, the moment replaying in his head.

As he ran from the scene, he heard the sudden sound of fireworks behind him, as he turned around to see what was going on, he saw beautiful firework of red, green, and blue of all shapes and sizes in the sky, he stared In awe at it, almost forgetting what happened previously. Before he could fully settle, he hears a growl from behind him and before he knew it, he was scooped up by the sleeping giant of del mar, who was woken up by the fireworks coming from the governors house. As he was dropped in the bag, he could hear people screaming in fear, seeing the giant walking towards him. As he saw light from above him, be heard people screaming as they fall into the bag belonging to the giant.

"Fuuuuuck, why did the governor have to fuck shit up, now we are stuck in this sweaty ass duffle bag because his ass walks like he as a 5-foot pole up his ass." He whine before having a women and her child fall on him. As he got up, dizzy from having collapsed from the weight of the people fall on him, he soon saw light again, only this time he saw the ground, and puss tipping his hat at the people inside before going off to continue fighting the giant.

As he exited the bag, he saw the giant swing a bell at puss, only for puss' cat-like reflexs to help him grip the bell as the giant swung it to try and throw him off, only for puss to jump onto his face, lift up his eye patch and say something, before ducking and letting the bell hit del mar's giant in the eye, knocking him out. As he lands and draw a big "p" in the dirt, the giant hit the tower and slid towards puss, Jackson was worried the giant would run the ginger cat over, but to his surprise, it stopped right on time, leaving the bell hanging over puss.

There was a moment of silence as the people were processing what happened, then a wave of cheers and roars of praise fell onto the cat as he stood there proudly. When everyone heard the bell ring, people looked over and saw it fell right onto puss. Many people began to run over and help get the bell off him. When they finally succeed, they saw a bloody, mangled corpse, with bones sticking out of his torso, legs, and arms. A group of people, including Jackson then rushed him to the "village- everything" as he called it. When the doctor saw everyone rush in with the cat in jacksons arms, he took him and ushered everyone out, as he was preparing the tools needed to place his body es in place and give him time to heal, silently praying that puss had more lives left to spare.

As the group of people disperse, Jackson stood where he was, processing the scene that unfolded in front of him.

"What the fuck is going on, how the hell can a cat talk, let alone fight a d dance so well? " he wondered, completely oblivious to how fast time is flying by. As he stood there, zoning out, he heard a door open. He whipped his head around, seeing the doctor peaking from I did the house.

"You may come in if you'd like, it will take a while for him to wake up though so you might want something to keep you busy. " the doctor said, holding the door open for him. As he walked inside, he saw the at puss was on the bed, all healed up without a scratch h somehow, spread out, slowly breathing. As he sat down in a chair provided to him by the doctor, see dozed off slowly. He fought to stay awake, but the need for sleep over powered him and he succumbed to it.

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