Chapter 4 "I'll take care of you"

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I'm in the girls bathroom washing my hands and suddenly hear a lot of footsteps getting closer. When I look up, I see Kayla, Sandy and other mean girls through the mirror reflection. They are all staring at me like I'm a piece of meat. I freeze, my eyes go over them and I count 10 girls, there's no way I can get out of the bathroom in one piece.

"Hey alarma, watch out before the mirror breaks from your reflection" one of them says and the rest laugh.

My gaze drops to the ground "Leave me alone" I mumble and attempt to go past them to get out, but they are blocking the door. They laugh and Sandy pushes me to the ground. I fall on my butt and freeze when I see them looking at me like cockroach who is about to get killed by one of their sharp heels.

"Please, don't bother me"  my voice starts shaking.

Kayla kicks my stomach with the sharp part of the heel she's wearing. I let out all the air in my lungs and land in a fetal position.

"That little stunt you pulled a couple of days ago with the triplets was not funny at all, you're such a little bitch for laughing at me with them. Who do you think you are? After all the bullshit you put me through in the six years I had to be your best friend you still laugh at me? After you stole my boyfriend? After degrading my confidence until there was nothing left in me? And you still laugh at me." I try to get up but they pin me to the ground.

I know everything she was saying was a lie, but I quit trying to defend myself a long time ago, it goes faster when you don't deny anything they're saying. Besides, no one believed me back then so why would they believe me now?

"You know what you are? A whore! I can't imagine what you did to those guys for them to even stand being close to you" she kicks me again on the same spot, leaving me breathless. Then kneels down to whisper in my ear.

"I bet you were down on your knees in the boys bathroom the fist day you saw them, doing to them god knows what to win them over. Ew, I feel nauseous thinking about it" she stands up like I was some bug which she didn't want to be around.

Sandy joins in laughing "do you pay them to be with you? To make you look cool?" She says in a mocking tone.

"I bet she does, with all the money her dad has" one of the other girls says after chuckling.

"Stop it" I say trying to break free from the girls who are pinning me to the ground. They hold me tighter and one of them slaps me so hard across the face my eye starts watering, so I close it, I'm not going to let them have the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

"Stay still, Alarma, we don't want this lecture to be harder for you than it already is" Kayla says, joy portrayed on her face from seeing me in the position I am.

"Fuck you" I spit with every ounce of hate I have for that girl. Moving my arms and legs strongly to break free but failing in the process.

She seems taken back by my insult, frowns and puts a hand on her chest. Then chuckles, smirks at me and says "I think that slap didn't hurt her enough"

So they slap me harder on the same side as before. I feel an intense burn all over my face and can't open my eye, it's hurting too much.

"See, it wasn't so hard to stay still" Sandy says "where was I?" She pretends to be thinking, but I know there's nothing in that little head of hers.

"Oh yeah" she smirks "even if you payed them to make you look cool you will never be as cool as us, darling, so I'm gonna give you a piece of advice: leave those poor. -she kicks me- guys. -she kicks me again- alone. -kick- and mind your own fucking business" i grunt in pain with every kick, trying really hard not to cry.

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