4: Making up Lies

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PREV- "A friend of mine could take you in while we contact your parents then." Batman said.

"No thanks I think I'm fine." He said as he started to walk away.

Surprisingly Batman didn't push it.

"Ok now what?" Nico said.

"Nico keep over there. Find out why monsters aren't entering that city." A voice wrang in Nico's head.

Nico grabbed his head and said "Father. Can you tell me what happened? Why am I here?"

"Don't bother, I'm sorting it out here. Just focus over there. I'll need you better than you are right now." Hades answered.

"That's all your telling me?"

"Your mother died in the apartment fire when you were young, your father disappeared into work later in grief, and your sister went missing before presumed dead. That's your story. The rest is up to you."

"I-... Alright then." Nico said almost protesting.

When Hades left his mind Nico's head started hurting a lot. He grabbed his head in pain.

'Always happens. Ow! He seemed annoyed. Is that why it hurts more than usual?' Nico thought as he kept walking.

'Where do I stay know that I must?'

Nico was too into his thoughts he didn't notice he was crossing a road with a car coming.


That woke Nico up causing him to jump back. Luckily the car had managed to make a full stop before it hit Nico. While Nico was busy trying to catch his breath a man in a suit came out the back of the car and said, "Do you have a death wish?" (A/N: IK cliche)

"Um, no. I-I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." Nico apologized.

Death wish? Wasn't he technically in mortal standards dead?

Sigh, "Its fine kid just be careful. Are you by any chance Nico?" The fancy guy said.

"Uh, yes. How do you know my name?" Nico said while soul searching him.

'Oh, its him. Well looks like I don't have to worry about finding him no more.'

"I'm Bruce, Bruce Wayne. Batman probably told you about me." Bruce said.

"Bat who?" Nico asked.

"Uh, you know the guy that dresses like a bat and saves people. Haven't you heard about him like on the news?" Bruce asked.

"Oh, the kidnapper! I'm kind of new to the city and I haven't really been around technology for much." Nico explained.

Bruce nodded and said, "Well get in the car then."

"...You guys really aren't going to leave me alone, are you?"


"What if I just like, run off?"

"We'll follow you."

"Um-" Nico was about to protest when the billionaire struck home.

"You don't have parents, do you? And isn't it better than out here. I'll foster you for the time being. If you don't want me to fully adopt you."

If Nico was honest, he wasn't looking forward to a run in with any of the famous criminals. Nico hesitantly got in the luxurious car. Bruce went in afterwards and clicked the lock button on. They sat there in silence before Bruce asked, "What happened to your family, any relatives?"

"...Well, my mom is dead. My dad, who knows. And I had a...sister." Nico said finally giving in.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Bruce said quietly.

"Its fine. My sister she went missing. After almost a year she was presumed dead...Then, they found her, her body." Nico explained trying to keep his voice from cracking.

"Any other relatives?" He said after a moment of silence.

"Uh, I have a few uncles and aunts I've seen like once or twice as a kid but I'm almost 100% sure they would try to kill me if they found me." Nico said with a chuckle at the end.

'they're the reason I can't fly or be in water...'

To Bruce that chuckle sounded sad.

'Why would his own relatives try to kill him? ...He doesn't seem to be lying though.' He thought while eyeing him.

"Can you tell me why?" Bruce asked.

"Well, its half because of my dad. He's never on good terms with my uncles and aunts. He's dangerous, and he doesn't do the best of jobs." Nico lied.

'Great. Sounds like my dad is a gangster.'

"I'll ask you about your dad later. What about the other half?" Bruce warned.

"They just hate my guts. It's more like 2/3 would be because of my dad, 1/3 because they just don't like me."

"That's-" The car stopped at that moment.

"I'll be back. I just must do some paperwork. Stay here." Bruce said as he left the car.

Nico prayed to Hades, Hermes, and Hera that they did his paperwork. Bruce could have done everything on his laptop. But he wanted to know if Nico really didn't want him, so he was giving Nico 15 minutes to get out the car.

'Ok, so my dad is now a gangster then. Funny. Alright what about the scars? What if they see them? I don't need as much food as a human since I'm a demi-god, but they don't know that. How will they take it? Eating disorder?' Nico just kept thinking about how to possibly answer all the questions.

Nico hadn't really moved since he was lost in thought.

'Oh, the bandages! This solves my scar problem.' He thought as he moved his hand to the bandages covering the scars on his arms.

'Wait. But then they will ask about the bandages! Ugh. So annoying.' Nico thought.

He laid his head on the window and within a minute Bruce came back.

"Alright. The paperwork is done, you are now in my care until something else happens, and you're still in the car. Awesome!" Bruce said happily but was discretely eyeing the part of the bandages the poked-out Nico's sleeve.

Bruce had seen everything Nico was doing from a camera. What Bruce saw was him not move for 10 whole minutes then he touched those bandages on his arm before laying his head on the window.

"Now, let's head home." Bruce said.

"Right." Nico responded.

"So, what's your full name?" He asked.

"Um, Nico Di Angelo." Nico answered.

"Er. Can I ask for something?" Nico asked Bruce.

"Go ahead."

"There is this camp I attend in the summer. Can I continue going?"

"Of course! Well then, Nico, I hope you don't mind living with 4 other siblings. There all adopted except for the youngest, that one's mine."

"I don't mind. I used to wish for a brother when I was younger." Nico said smiling.

'I guess being friendly won't do any harm.'

"I'll let them introduce themselves to you then."

(A/N 1032 words c'mon were getting there)

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