10: The beginning of the night

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PREV- Everyone picked up on how nervous and uncomfortable Nico was, and Damian's sudden change of position. Of course, Bruce had a vague idea on why Damian moved, he only barely stopped a smile that was forming on his face.

Bruce stopped the smile and shook his head. 'Now Alfred...' Bruce thought and turned his head to face where Alfred was. Or...supposed to be. 'Alfred?' Bruce now finally noticed that the sneaky old man was gone. Bruce sighed and made his way to the kitchen. Food, drinks, pastries, Tim, but no Alfred.

"Tim, have you seen Alfred?" Bruce asked as he glanced at Tim.

Tim was currently working his way through the cabinets, looking for his gloves. He was absolutely not touching any food to serve without gloves.

"Uh, I think he went to the Batcave. Why? I think the computer made an update on something." Tim said as he continued to search.

Bruce nodded and carefully glanced back to the main area and at Nico.

'Good. He's still busy.' Bruce thought to himself and carefully and absolutely silently made his way to the Batcave.

Bruce found Alfred standing by the computers, staring up at the screen while clicking the mouse. Bruce knew that Alfred had already sensed him. He walked closer to take a look at what Alferd was looking at.

"Master Bruce, I believe we have found something interesting regarding your newest boy." Alfred spoke and stepped aside for Bruce to look.

On the huge screen, were results on the last name, Di Angelo. There were 2 results on the screen apart from Nico. Maria Di Angelo. Bianca Di Angelo.

Bianca Di Angelo: Deceased. Age 12. Mother, Maria Di Angelo. Brother, Nico Di Angelo. Father, Hades Di Angelo. Origin, Italy.

Maria Di Angelo: Decease. Age: 34(?). Daughter, Bianca Di Angelo. Son, Nico Di Angelo. Husband, Hades Di Angelo. Origin, Italy. (A/N: Not sure if correct, please don't come at me;;; but you can correct me or ask to add something :)

Bruce examined the two files. Nico indeed told the truth to his dead sister. The two files did not contain much information, but they were enough for Bruce to start researching using this lead.

Bruce furrowed his brow, his mind racing with questions. Why were the birth dates and past locations missing from the files? And why were there no other records of the Di Angelo family? It was as if they had vanished from existence, leaving behind only these two files.

Alfred, noticing Bruce's concern, spoke up. "It appears that someone has deliberately erased the personal information from these files, Master Bruce. It's as if they were trying to hide their identities."

Bruce's eyes narrowed. "But why? And who would go to such lengths to erase all traces of their existence?"

Alfred sighed; his voice tinged with worry. "I'm afraid I don't have the answers, Master Bruce. But it seems that Nico's past is shrouded in mystery."

Bruce clenched his fists, determination burning in his eyes. "We need to find out the truth, Alfred. We owe it to Nico to uncover his origins and protect him from whatever darkness may be lurking."

Alfred nodded in agreement. "I'll continue digging into any leads we can find, Master Bruce. But we must be cautious. Whoever erased these files may not take kindly to our investigation."

Bruce nodded, his mind already formulating a plan. "We'll need to be discreet and thorough. We can't afford to let Nico be caught in the crossfire."

As they continued their investigation, little did they know that their every move was being watched by a pair of cold, calculating eyes. Someone out there was determined to keep Nico's past a secret, and they would stop at nothing to ensure it stayed that way.

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