Chapter Eight:

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Charlotte was going out. For the first time in a year, she wasn't having her food delivered. She was taking a trip to the store. She was recovering.


She still couldn't bring herself to step inside of a car. She'd taken her bike instead, though it took considerably longer than Charlotte remembered it being. She used to go on bikes with Xander to the store.

The thought saddened Charlotte. But she remained determined.

A year had been enough.

As Charlotte pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store, she felt an overwhelming feeling of dread. Dreading talking, dreading shopping, dreading acting normal.

But Charlotte locked her bike to the stands and headed in.

Every time someone looked at her, glanced at her, walked in her general direction, Charlotte forced herself not to walk out the door.

Until she saw him.

He was here, draggin around a cart with his daughter, acting totally normal because everything was totally normal.

For him.

Charlotte suddenly couldn't breathe. Turning around, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Then she headed out the door.

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