The light that never goes out

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By the way because Cris is Taino I will be writing her talking in it too. But I will translate after.

The sun rose on another day as cris gets up from the grassy garden. It has been 2 years since her awakening in this new world. She has learned many things, new language, new people, but most of all history. Her people are all gone, the place she fought so hard to protect is gone. The B.P.R.D let her go to her home country for 2 years. Of course she still had her side of agreements too.

She had to learn English, be an agent, keep herself a secret, and train. She didn't really have a problem with any of that. Walking around her small but comfortable house she steps into the shower. Her hair wet and sticking onto her skin, towel sung on her as her feet slap the ground.

For a women she is seen as very tall but she just thought of herself as average. Heading into her bedroom she changed into flip flops, white tee and black baggy knee length shorts.

Walking around her house she made it to the backyard kneeling down in front of her garden. The sun beaming down on her offering her comfort and heat. Even if her old world is gone the sun still doesn't leave her. A small smile reaches her face as her cheeks elevate and her ears slightly move up.

"Hahom guey" she breathed out

A knock can be heard at the door, annoyed and standing from kneeling. She heard her knee crack as she sped to the door. And she knew she just know who it was.

Making it to the door she cracked it open and to her "surprise" it was them.

"Cris hiiii!, mind opening the door... we need to talk." It was Manning a old balding man who always looks and sounds like death himself. We'll that's stupid coming from her but it's true. Opening the door and letting him and a couple others into her home. Sitting in the living room she said nothing.

Bitting his lip Manning felt the awkwardness. Clapping his man's and rubbing them on his knee he started. "We need your help.. and before you say anything, this could mean the end of the world. Please can you i don't know at lease shadow him." Rambling on about how he needed Cris so badly right now. She listens as the agents nod along too.

'Gua Nuada?' She thought carfully she has heard of him long ago. And the pact they made with human kind. Raising her hand she stopped his pleading.

"Ok, I will." Agreeing to his offer it's like you could see the weight being lifted off of him as he breathed out happily. Thanking her they let her pack her things and then she got some fruits she made. Walking over to their car she handed Manning one.

"Naua" pointing at it waiting for them to repeat.

"N-Naha" Manning stutters out, as she stares at him eyes sharp unmoving as if waiting for something she gets into the car. With her boss following after her sweaty and still ruffled.

Time skip~

Planing in New Jersey is a big change for Cris sure she's been learning about this but it's all weird for her. Getting to the B.P.R.D as well even weirder. Made her want to hide in the shadows, different kinds of beings in a room reminded her of her time. Stopping and sitting in a room Manning already gave her the run down of things, a uniform too.

Make sure hellboy doesn't kill anyone he doesn't have to. Be sure to stay hunden unless told to. And that he wants Prince Nuada alive.

Changing she weapons up, in her suit case a sword not just any sword. This sword was a gift from her father indestructible and one of a kind. Swinging it around she realized that training paid off. 

Another knock and Manning came in saying how they went to the troll market. "Cris now you know what I need so please stay out of sight. Umm you like TV right if you can do that I'll buy you three new TVs." This perked her up whipping her head to him she blankly stared. Manning of course didn't know where to look.

Up and down all around he tried to find a way to be relaxed. "Cris, Cris would you not stare."

Looking at his eyes she smirked, "Huka aon, hahom" chuckling slightly. Knitting his eyebrows Manning was still not getting what she said.

"Just please get out there, it's under Brooklyn bridge. You know the one we sent you a picture of a few months ago." Humming a tone Cris neared the shadow of the door saluting as she's seen on TV. Gone, traveling through shadows to hellboy. 

Getting there was easy now she needed to stay out of sight. Watching as hellboy dragged a troll to a secret door. Oh ya she can see right through her costume. Perks of being a gods daughter, controlling the shadows to slither to hellboy she hid in his.

Finally getting in was a ride trolls and other races everywhere. Business booming and best of all no one cared what the other looked like.

Time skip ~

As hellboy fought this troll he killed him. And in such a brutal way too. Cris felt pity and angry this war can not go on longer. As the gang left in a hurry so did she. Finding a way to his body she grabbed his head eyes staring straight at his closed smushed head.

"Daca Cris, buka goeiz!" Slapping her hand on his chest. He comes to life his bones and body cracking and regenerating. Grunting and whimpering he rolls over away from me. Regaining consciousness he rises only to bow to me. Raising my eyebrows I nod to him and start to walk away.

"Gota onawa" he speaks I don't understand this language. Turning my head I tilt it confused.

"Guaiba guaitiao" flicking my wrist at him. Seeming to understand he walks away as I go to a shadow to continue my mission.


Skin hitting the stone floor could be heard as it goes in deeper to the subway.

"My prince my prince" says a two headed fairy. " Up there, no that way, no that way."
They argue. The prince who is working on a art piece patiently turns to his subjects.

"Is there something you wish to tell me?" He asks kindly. They nod and speak quicker " yes up there a red man killed mr winks but a long haired woman bought him back to life." Prince Nuada was in shock his best friend died, and some woman brought him back. His fave knitted in a tight growl. And his hands dropped everything. The girl can wait.

"Show me who killed him"

Hahom guey- thank you, sun


Huka aon, hahom- you dog, thank you

Daca Cris, buka goeiz- i am Cris you are the sprit of a living person.

Guaiba guaitiao- go friend

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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