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𝓝𝓸 𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓪𝓹𝓮 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓽𝔂 - Bohemian Rhapsody- Queen


The birds are singing such a wonderful melody.. Too bad it's a school day.

Y/n wakes up sad and gloomy, is it because she is depressed and is getting bullied? No! It's because today is the day she has to present her amazing science project.

She gets out of bed, takes a shower, and she dries off. She then does her daily routine as usual. She did do the science project but she had to present it, and she doesn't like to go in front of the class.

Y/n or your life is pretty nice. You have good friends, loving parents, decent school, the list goes on, and you never could wish for more. Today will go on like any other day or so you think.. Someone was not feeling like themselves today, they had never felt this way before. And because of this someone had to pay.

As you were on your way to the kitchen you noticed that the news channel was on. So while your mother was making breakfast, you and your father were watching the news.

"There was a shocking, bloody scene that has scared even the bravest police officers. Watch if you dare.. Viewer discretion is advised." The camera then switched to a photo that seemed to have come straight out of a horror movie. There were mangled bodies of many people, including children and elders. But the scariest thing about this was that this event had taken place at the grocery store near your home.

Your mother shrieks in surprise because not only was this scary, but she had burned her hand in shock. "Mom! Are you okay?!" you asked your mother in worry. "Yes yes I'm fine dear but I do not think you should go to school today.." your mother replies in a sad and fearful tone. Your father who was there next to you said "You should probably take the car to the next town over to get some ointment for your mother. She appears to have burned herself pretty badly."

"Are you crazy?!" your mother exclaims. "My daughter is not going outside after what we just saw on the news!!" She says in anger and fear. "Don't worry mother! I can drive there! And even if I do encounter anyone or anything I will bring my gun, Katana, and tazer!" you say, more worried for your mother's health than your own.

In the end, you managed to convince your mother otherwise. So you got into the car and drove to the nearby town. But as you neared towards the clinic you saw one of your friends who looked terribly horrified. You immediately pulled over and invite her into your car. She was trembling with fear so you decides to ask her what was wrong.

"What happened?! And why we're you on the edge of the road looking as if you saw your worst nightmare!?" You asked her with worry in your eyes. "It's nothing.." She replied but the look on her face said otherwise. "I know there is something going on. Just tell me what it is so we can get the light this together!" you said with a little bit if anger inside your voice. "Can you just pull over at the spark water bridge.. I will tell you what happened there. " She says quietly. You hesitantly agreed to her words and drove to the Spark Water bridge.

Once the both of you arrived you asked her to tell you what was going on. "I've done something very wrong y/n." She says almost bursting out in tears. "What did you do?" You asked. Oh how you wish you hadn't, because this is the start of your own demise.

"Can you look at the view from the bridge with me? " she asked, but this made you suspicious. You ended up agreeing anyways, and you and your friend are leaning on the rails of the bridge. Enjoying the view for the last time. While you were looking at the view you felt hands touch your back, and before you know it your are falling down the 50 foot high Bridge.

You look up at your used-to-be friend in betrayal while she is just smirking as you fall down. You could see the evil glint in her eyes and you knew that she was the one who pushed you. 'But why...?' You thought. 'I've never done anything wrong to her and she betrays me like this..' Then you feel a splash and a feeling that you had just hit concrete.

Your ex friend then walks to your car, grabs the keys, and turns it on. She gets into the driver seat and immediately pushes the gas pedal not even thinking about her own safety. The car crashes and it flips over and over and over. Once it she has died it has exited her body. No doubt that both she and you had died.

Once your parents found out, they were devastated and your father was regretting telling you to go out. Even though he knew it would be a dangerous journey.


You woke up in the snow. 'Huh? Where am I?' You thought. 'Oh... Yeah.. My own best friend had pushed me off of a bridge..' You thought sadly. but that's not the point. The real question is 'Where am I?' You thought while looking around at your surroundings.
Then you heard a growl. 'Oh..'

Tashiro Secrets

he is looking for a new victim
• y/n didn't do the science project
• your ቻልፕዘቿዪ may know something about him
ᘻᓍᖶᕼᘿᖇ doesn't know him but somebody does
• y/n sucks at using a katana

I didn't know it would be this hard to write a story, but I'll try for anyone who would want to read this story. If anyone does, like you, thanks for even considering to read this story written by a girl who can not even write an essay for her stupid school. Anyways I hope you all have a great day or night and I would like for anyone to send suggestions for my story and I would love for somebody to support me!
But the main reason I wrote this is for my sister and I promised her that if I get 1000 reads I will show her what I wrote so I don't know if I want this to get 1000 reads or I don't.

Word count 1073

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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