Jelousy | Kavehaitham

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This is a :flufffic with slight hurt(not that much)

It's was a lovely spring day and absolutely nothing could go wrong.
Well I guess if you don't count the overwhelming sense of jealousy lurking in the air.
Let's backtrack shall we?

It was a beautiful day and some might say it was just perfect. Kaveh had decided to go out with Tighnari to play cards and get a good drink.
They were having a blast. Laughing and smiling with each other, not even realizing how much time has passed since they first met up that day.

Tighnari checked the clock located at the bartenders counter

"Oh my, would you look at the time!"

"Wow! Time flies when you're having fun I guess haha." Kaveh added

"Do you think Al Haitham will be upset that you're out this late?"

"Eh, I don't think so. I lost my keys this morning anyways so it's not like I could really get inside to wait for him even if I wanted to."

"Ah I see.."

"Another round?"

"Haha, okay. But just one!"

The two continue to set up for the next round when all of a sudden the bar doors open to reveal two others that they weren't quite expecting...

*30 minutes before*

Al Haitham had just finished his expedition when he bumped into a familiar face

"Ah sorry I didn't mean to- oh...hello Cyno."

"Didn't expect to see you here." Cyno replied

"How's your day been?"

"Can't complain...although...I can't seem to find Tighnari at the moment."

"Did he mention that he might've needed to go anywhere?"

"I think he said he's meeting someone later at a bar which..."
*Cyno checks his watch*
"...should be in around 30 minutes from now."

"Hmm...I see."
Al Haitham takes a moment to think before continuing
"Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Kaveh all day."

"Maybe they're together?"

That was not the thought that Al Haitham liked at all. Not that he had anything against Tighnari. In fact, he was a great companion. But, recently there has been this odd stinging pain in his gut when the mere mentioning of Kaveh being out with someone else. He hated it.

"Perhaps. Let's go see for ourselves"

*Cyno nods*

Little did Al Haitham know, Cyno also had this feeling and wanted it to end as fast as it came

*Back to the present*

Al Haitham and Cyno open the doors to the tavern and almost immediately catch eye of the two males

They both make their way over and confront the two

"A letter would be nice." Al Haitham grunted.

Kaveh turned in surprise

"Oh, hey 'Haitham. Me and Tighnari were just finishing up."

"We know." Cyno interrupted.

"Hey are you guys okay? You seem annoyed." Tighnari asked swiftly.

"Oh we're just fine. Come on Tighnari, it's time to go."
Cyno gently grabbed Tighnari's hand and he complied without complaint. Tighnari turned to look back at Kaveh and gave a nervous smile and a wave

Kaveh waved back

Al Haitham turned his head towards Kaveh again

"Forget something?"

"Look, if this is about the key, yes I already know and no I didn't just hide it out of spite-"

"This isn't about the key."

"Then why did you feel the need to interrupt us?"

"Because you can't just leave all day without telling me where you were going."

"Sure I can! I'm my own person not just your property!"

"You know very well that's not what I meant!"

Now the whole bar was staring as the two fought and argued

Kaveh was the first to notice

"Can we just talk when we get home?"

Al Haitham sighed "yes I suppose..."

After they finally made it to their shared house, Kaveh was the first to speak up

"Can you just please tell me what I've done that's so wrong all of a sudden??" His voice raising in annoyance.

"Look I just...I can't say..."

"Why not?! See that's what I don't get about you! You always want to tease and poke at me but the moment I question you it's like I'm suddenly talking to a brick wall!! I'm tired of it!"

"Well maybe if you didn't go out without a word I wouldn't have to feel like this!"

"Like what?!"

"I already told you I can't explain it!!"

"Then show me!"

That was the edge. The cliff. The last pushed button that sent him over.


Al Haitham wrapped Kaveh into an embrace and placed a small peck on his lips

Kaveh was shocked and flustered to say the least
But to him it almost felt natural
Like this was right
This was supposed to happen

He gently returned the affection

They both pulled apart and could do nothing more but look into the others eyes. Now truly taking in each others beauty

And they stayed like that
For as long as they like
Because now things were different
But different isn't always bad.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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