Chapter Ten

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A month later, and we're into the second week of the trial. I should have already been called in, but she had found an absolute scum bag of a sleazeball lawyer, and he had spent so much time the first three days of the trial fucking about that the court had decided to recess the last two days and just start over the next week.

So I sit now, on a bench outside the door, in my new dress, with my leg jittering so hard I'm sure I could probably power the entire courthouse through kinetic energy alone. Nick and the rest were already inside, and Richards had brought me in separately after they had arrived. He's standing there by the door, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. I see a smirk cross his face.

"Wow, I've never seen you this nervous, girly. I've also never seen you in a dress, you look good! In fact, you both do. I'd say you two are taking good care of each other." I can hear the innuendo in his voice, and I turn to give him my thousand-yard stare. He just laughs at me. "Hey, I know you're both like a couple of monks, I'm just messing. But you stopped jittering for a moment there, didn't you?" I side eye him, and sit back against the wall.

"I do just want to add, in all seriousness - if things ever change, I can't think of any couple I'd root harder for." I open my mouth to snap at him, but I see that someone has just stepped through the door and I jerk upright.

"Who are we rooting for and why?" the newcomer asks, and I stand quickly before Richards can reply. "Sanders. This is unexpected." I state, as I hold out my hand. He gives me a bit of a sideways look, before responding.

"I don't think we've had the pleasure, Ms. Hanson?"

"Well, not officially no. You did visit the lab a couple years back though, not long after I first started." I remark. He narrows his eyes for a moment, then nods.

"Oh yeah, I remember you now. Nick was excited he had finally found a file clerk he thought was going to last for more than a couple months. I'm happy to see that he was right, though I wish we were officially meeting under better circumstances."

"Life is life, at least it's not worse, you know? I don't want to sound rude, but what are you doing here?"

"You know I'm the one who called Nick from Desert Palm right?"

I nodded, and frowned. "So they're having you testify to her... what, actions, while she was there in Vegas?"

"Yes, I'm the one who observed them initially, and made the recording that we submitted as evidence. I have already testified actually, but Nick asked me to stay, just in case, and I'm happy to do anything for my friend." He smiles at me, and looks back at the door. "They are still getting things set up and settled in there, but your mother is already in and settled, so Nick thinks now is the best time to get you in there, while things are still moving around. It's likely she won't even notice."

I'm not even sure she would recognize me right off the bat, anyway. Thanks to a much healthier diet, getting rid of major food irritants and stress, finally having good insurance, and just time, my appearance has changed quite a bit in the 9 years since she's seen me last. I nod, and he leads me through the door, Richards following behind to stand at the back of the courtroom. Greg quickly leads me to a seat in the row just behind the table where Nick and the legal team are sitting. I sit down directly behind Nick, and Greg sits immediately to my right, in a position that places him between myself and my mother's direct view. I smile a little crookedly at this, they weren't being very subtle but I definitely appreciate the gesture.

Greg leans forward and clears his throat, and Nick turns around with a smile to chat quietly with him before things settle down. His right hand is on the railing of the divider that separates the observers from the participants. He's not looking at me, trying to keep others from noticing that I'm of any consequence until it's the right time. I already know this was part of his plan, so I'm not bothered by it. He does keep wiggling his fingers though, and after the third time the gestures are getting a little more exaggerated, almost exasperated even.

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