4. | Why Dont You Like Me?

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First person

I woke up to the sun beaming through the blinds on the windows, my hand going over my eyes quickly as I sat up. I agreed to sleep on the couch while Carl and Rick slept upstairs and Maeve slept on the floor by the couch.

Maeve was still sleeping thankfully, she was rolled up into one of the sleeping bags Deanna had given her. I felt bad for making her sleep on the hard floor but it seemed like she didn't mind so I didn't think too much of it.

Last night was all that was on my mind though.. seeing that guys throat get slit open was my first experience on seeing another human being get sliced open.

I've only come across zombies my whole time being out there so I've never had to kill another human being and I don't think I could find myself to do so.

I got up off the couch and made my way over to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water that was already sitting out on the counter and I basically chugged the whole thing down.

I threw the bottle out and walked back over to the couch. I unzipped my backpack and pulled out a clean t-shirt that Deanna had also given me, along with a pair of jeans.

I then walked into one of the bathroom's that was downstairs and changed quickly into the new pair of clothes, wrapping my pouch around my waist. I was lucky I even got to have a new pair of clothes because I honestly wore the same thing everyday before I got here so it was a relief having new clean clothes.

I then walked out of the bathroom to see Carl, he was standing in the hallway with his hand on his eye as he rubbed it slowly.

"Good morning." I said, my voice was pretty loud as if i didn't just wake up. Carl groaned as he leaned back against the wall and yawned.

"Are you always this energetic in the morning?" he asked as he yawned once more.

Truth me told I was never even energetic, I was always quite and calm cool and collective. But, with everything that's happening in our world right now, it's nice to have someone with some energy to keep everything positive.

"Pretty much, does it bother you?" I teased as a smile creeped across my lips.

"Yeah, it does." Carl said in a grouchy tone as he walked past me to the bathroom, closing the door behind himself and I rolled my eyes.

Knock Knock.

I sighed as I walked over to the door, opening it slowly as the girl I had met yesterday walked in.

"Is Rick here?" The blonde haired girl asked and I shrugged as I turned to see Rick standing there.

"Hi Jessie." Rick said, sleepiness laced in his tone. I assumed he didn't get too much sleep last night either because of what went on but I also assumed he was used to doing that kind of stuff.

"Rick," She said with a nod as she looked over at me, "Amelia." she added.

"Jessie." I mocked as I pushed past the girl, making my way down the steps towards the sidewalk.

I planned on stopping by to see Maggie and how she was doing since last night but I also didn't wanna disturb her.

"Where are you going?" The same sleepy deep voice asked as I turned around to see Rick standing at the top of the steps.

𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃 [𝐓𝐖𝐃 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂]Where stories live. Discover now