Broken glass shattered heart

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I stayed at home all day after lying to goodwin about being sick. I felt bad about lying but I just couldn't do that surgery with Connor.
I slept most of the day and didn't eat a thing.

The day after I had to go into work I just had to.
I was driving to work and I saw bright headlights blind me. I let out a blood curdling petrified scream as I flew forwards at the impact. My seatbelt came off and my whole body was crushed by a car. I felt excruciating pain up my whole body and my vision blurred and dimmed.
I was dizzy and I felt sick as I felt vibrations.
I felt the hard plastic of the neck brace around my neck and I felt pain like I never had before.
I heard the saws as they tried to get me out of the wreckage. They had obviously been able to slip the collar on but not get me out yet.
I tried to stay conscious but my eyelids felt like they were made of lead.
"Stay with me"
I heard a male voice command.
My vision cut off as I lost conciseness.

-medics pov-
i Check the disfigured person for a pulse through the broken window and it's dangerously low.
Their whole body was covered in glass and the firefighters were cutting them out.
When they finally got them out I put them on a gurney.
"I FOUND SOMETHING TO IDENTIFY THEM" one of the firefighters yelled.
They passed me a gaffney scrub top and I read the name.
"Oh my god is Ava.."
I then heard her monitor flatline as i got into the ambulance in the back with her. I immediately start cpr as the other medic drives us. After epi cpr and shocking her she's back.
We arrive at gaffney and take her inside
"Ava bekker aged 23 car crash gcs 14 sats at 60% she crashed in the ambulance on the way was down for 4 minutes"
"Did you say ava?!?! Fuck okay get her to trauma 1 DR RHODES GO TO TRAUMA 1"

-connors pov-
I hear maggie yell me and run to the room. I see the sheer damage that was done.
I took her to the OR and fixed her the best I could with her unstable state and sent her to the ICU.
As i went to fill the chart in I saw the name...
Ava bekker 23
Car crash victim
5mg of epi 9:34
5mg of epi 9:40
4 broken ribs
Broken nose
Broken leg
Hemothorax left lung
20 atomodade 9:43
100 sux 9:44
Sedative* 10:01
My jaw dropped and I felt so bad for her.
I went to sit with her but her gcs** went up so I wasn't sure if she would ever wake and it hurt so bad.
I flashed back to the surgery..
My hands inside the one I had once seen a future with and loved with my whole heart that so quickly turned to hatred and now it was regret.
I looked at my hands and thought I could see aveys blood on them so I ran to the bathroom and scrubbed and scrubbed till it was No longer aveys was mine
I fell to the floor crying.
No one knew if she would wake at all..until one day..

Sorry this is so short ahah but cliffhangers are the best
* not sure name or amount of sedative
** Glaston coma scale

Hey. It's me weeks later. I forgot to publish so here! Creds to: for posting crash first

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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