𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒉 𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓

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𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏 𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒘𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒗 (𝒎𝒖𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒓 #2)

Growing up I had always had a temper, my mom had told me more than a million times "my temper is what got me in trouble" and I didn't believe her.

At first.

Until I found myself in situations I put myself in and my anger was what lead me through a lot of tough situations. I had either fought my way out, or argued my way out those were the only two options.

"You went to a club? I'm surprised you went out" I chuckled softly as Travis told me about his encounter at the club last night.

Ever since he had been released he had kept a low profile, even though nobody would recognize him especially after the whole new profile he had developed in prison. He didn't talk much about what happened and I didn't push him Into it, he's changed and I can't tell if it's for the better or for worse.

"Yeah..it was..fun I can't remember the last time I actually just let go. I still got my charm too" he bragged and I rolled my eyes, he had never lost his touch.

"You never lost it brother. Did you meet anyone?."

He doesn't say anything for what feels like forever before he clears his throat.

"I did..well we didn't meet we just danced and she disappeared like she had to be somewhere."

"Women are always in a hurry. Or maybe she was just nervous, your handsomeness scared her away" I laughed and he chuckled from the other line.

"I suppose so. I do hope I run into her again... someday."

"Someone's In love" I teased and I hear him groan from the other line, annoyance clear In his tone.

"Shut up I'm not. Are we..going over the plan or not?" He seemed hesitant and I didn't know why he would be, this would go perfectly as long as we both were willing to do this.

"Yes so...everyday she gets home around the same time, around 3:15. Some guy who I'm guessing is her..uncle or something picks her up in a black SUV. They drive straight home and she's always by herself so this will be easy. We take her in the car and-"

"Hold on...you don't think she would just hop into the car? And we can't just drive her while she's awake."

I shake my head in frustration, I didn't even think this through properly.

"Fuck your right...um..what do you suggest?."

He hums and I ponder in my thoughts for a second, wondering how this would even work.

"What if...we pretend to be one of the teachers-"


Sometimes my brothers ideas were so stupid I question if he's even my brother.

"What if...we get her out somewhere? Get her to a party or something?" I suggest and even as the idea slips through my lips I can't even tell if that was smart or not my mind was already wondering off into it's dark place again.

"We don't have her on anything john-"

"Fuck I know! I..I'll think" I groan and hang up the phone, my veins starting to pulse.

Why was it so difficult to just think of a plan to kidnap a fucking woman?

I headed to a bar in the middle of the night, I needed to clear my head and alcohol was what I needed to calm my nerves.

Sitting on the stool I scan the area, completely empty and quiet which was just how I wanted it to be. The air was thick and smelled of alcohol, the stench strong and only getting stronger.

"What can I get you?" A shorter man from behind the bar asked me and I scan behind him, many of the bottles looking quite appetizing.

"Straight tequila, cold" I demand and he nods, grabbing a glass cup.

I hear the bell ring and in comes heavy footsteps, I turn my head and find a taller man, thick build and darkened eyes.

He sits on the stool next to me and doesn't even turn my way, how eyes focused on the tequila. I wasn't one to start conversations especially with someone as built and looming as him.

"Here you go Rory" the man behind the bar hands him a drink without him even saying anything and I'm guessing he's gotta be a regular here or something.

"Thanks" his voice is low and more of a dark rumble as he takes the glass and turns my way.

"Cheers?" He hold his glass up and there's heavy bags beneath his eyes which make him look exhaustingly tired and worn out.

"Cheers" I click my glass with his and chuge the alcohol down, the liquid burning as it passes my lips, stinging slightly but I chug it anyways.

"Come here often?" I spoke, setting the glass down.

"I'm a regular" he spoke and I nod, the alcohol already clouding up my mind within seconds.


We sit in silence for a second before I ask for a another drink.

"What bring you here, I Don't think I've seen you here before" he was starting conversation with me, why? I didn't have a clue but talking and not having to worry about anything else was actually kind of freeing.

"Just having a drink. What about you?" I was kind of bad with conversations but he didn't seem to mind it.

"Taking a break from fatherhood. My da..well my friends daughter cara, she's exploring her life and im kind of worried she's getting into things she can't handle" his words dissolve in my brain and I do a double take as his words replay over and over again.

"Friends daughter cara...."

"I get it..kids will be kids. She's not you're daughter though?" Was this her guardian?

It couldn't be possible..could it?

"No she's my friends kid..Charlie Henderson? You may know him...."

Could he be so stupid? This man had just ruined his entire life and hers by blabbing his fucking mouth..

Oh how things turned out so beautifully for me.

𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝒎𝒖𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now