𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏

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Cara Hendersons pov

It's a constant pattern, one or the other feeding me, yelling at me as if I did anything fucking wrong, then leaving. The one with curly hair had a much worse temper than the other one and I hated it but was somehow...not fueling it as much as before...maybe he was growing on me.

I fucking doubt it.

"Can...I ask for-"


"But..I just wanted to know your name-"

"Why the fuck does it matter?".

"Why not? I'll be here for a while...I want to know who you are" the words come out confidently but when his eyes glare into mine I feel the confidence drain instantly. He had been the one to give me confidence, but could take it away within seconds. I had never been naked in front of anyone but myself but changing in front of him was oddly uncomfortable and yet I didn't stop and wasn't sure why.

"..fuck it. I'm..my name is john and my brother's name is Travis..but I'm sure you already knew that."

I stare at him confused before realization hits me. He knows.

"We didn't exchange names..and I didn't know you guys were brothers."

There was a tone when he had said that last part, jealousy? Was he jealous?

"We just...danced and talked-"

"I don't need to know your life story cara, fuck" he sighs, running a finger through his hair as his eyes catch me staring he stops abruptly.

"I remember it...it felt..electric. I was dancing and loved the feeling of...being in the middle of everything... everyone" I explain and my eyes flutter shut, remembering it like it was yesterday. Being in the middle felt electric, exotic, knowing I was being watched and fantasized about. Keeping my eyes closed I hear his steps come towards me and stop abruptly near me but I don't open my eyes, I keep them shut. I could feel the heat from his body and I know he's close. I hated them, I went from hating them...to needing warmth to fill the void I had in my heart.

"Cara.." his voice seemed slower now, deeper, thick. This couldn't be the same angry John from the other day? Or last week could it? Why was his voice softer..toned more?

I open my eyes and he's in front of me, staring intently at me, millions of thoughts running beneath his eyes.

"John..." His name rolls of my tongue easily and I wish it didn't, I didn't need to say his stupid name, see his stupid yet beautiful face. Fuck him, fuck his brother..fuck them both.

He snaps out of the trance he was suddenly in and steps back, shaking his head.

"Fuck...I've gotta go. I'll be back ."

With that he leaves me wondering what was running through his mind?

That was more than a few days ago, so far it's just been Travis feeding me, giving me clothes, helping me shower. I didn't know why but part of me..kind of missed him? I knew I was crazy for thinking that...maybe I was stuck on him?

"I got you..some new..nair? I didn't know they had different ones" he mumbles awkwardly at the doorframe of the bathroom, handing it to me. He had kept his distance after last time and I respected him for that, no matter how much my body longed for him ever since that night.

"Thanks" I hold the towel deeper around my waist, grabbing the nair from his hands. I couldn't help but let my eyes wonder over him, his tight clothing, his lips, his eyes. I went from hating him to staring at him like a piece of art.

"Wait" I say as he turns to leave, stopping him in place.

"I.." I couldn't speak, he turns around to face me and I stare at him suddenly.

"Why did you kidnap me?" I ask, my voice suddenly small.

He stares simply, doesn't answer before sighing heavily.

"A few years ago your father was responsible for putting me in jail...and..I guess I can't let go of a grudge and niether can my brother...I never intended..." His voice stops and I blink, taking in the information. This was all because of something my father did?

"Oh" my eyes trail off and I sigh, not caring much anymore. The more time I spend here the less I seem to forget about home, I wasn't sure why it was all getting easier to forget about.

He shuts the door behind him as he leaves and I  don't say anything anymore, talking is useless.

He had tried it again, made dinner this time. On the table was two plates of spaghetti and a bottle of champagne, if I didnt know any better it was a date. There wasn't any silverware though which was a bit confusing.

"Sit" he demands and the aroma of the spaghetti hits my nose and I could feel my stomache fluttering hungrily.

Sitting down he chains me to the table and I stare at him, wondering what's running through that sick mind of his. He sits across from me and grabs a fork nearby, digging into his food.

"How am.." I hold up my chained hands and he gestures towards the forkful of spaghetti he grabbed from his plate.

"Your gonna feed me?" My eyes widen and there's a smirk that appears on his lips, he was enjoying this...why?

𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝒎𝒖𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now