𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑦

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(The next few povs will be purely focused on cara and her encounters with Travis and John.)

Cara Hendersons pov

The next morning I woke up with a pounding headache, the uncomfortable feeling from my period coming back to me, my clothes suddenly feeling uncomfortable on me. I hated being here, the mattress was too thin, the lights were too bright, I missed home so much and had tried to stay positive as much as possible..but being on my period and being kidnapped was two of the worst things I had ever felt.

More so the period than the kidnapping.

The door swings open and in comes the taller one, the unfamiliar one, they had decided to not wear masks anymore, and from his height and voice he was the rude one..hell they were both rude this one just didn't have the patience for me anymore.

"Good morning!" His voice seemed cheery and bright and I stare at him, completely dumfounded. He had wheeled in a stand, with a thirty inch monitor on it.

I was so confused...why was there a TV?


"I brought..a TV" he gestures towards it and I look at him, maybe I was too tired from the lack of sleep, or there was actually a TV in front of me...what the actual fuck?

"Why? What's with the showers and food and tv? Aren't I supposed to be a prisoner or something?" I blurt out, I had read alot of books based on kidnappings and this stuff never happened.

"Would you rather me do that instead? Why are you so ungrateful?" He shakes his head, but keeps the TV in the room and sets a little remote on the stand.

"I'm...sorry" he stares at me as I apologize and I don't say anything anymore, I didn't know what I could even say at this point. I wasn't being ungrateful..I just had so many questions.

"It's got channels and.." as he goes on he turns his attention towards the TV and I stare at him, taking him in. There was two of them, one from the club, shaved head, tattoo beneath his neck, dark green emerald eyes. This one was different though, his head was full of curly black hair, flopping In every direction. His figure was built and tall, his eyes brown and dark, scanning over the channels on the TV. There was a rose beneath his neck, which had thorns wrapped around it. Even being here, bleeding constantly, foggy memory, miles away from home, tired drastically, staring at him had gave me this...odd feeling. Lack of sleep was the cause of this...I just knew it..it's been hours since I've slept...

I was seeing things..

"Wow" I blurt out and he turns around and meets my eyes, confused by my outburst.

"Wow what?".

"You...your...hot" I giggled, my fingers feeling fuzzy all of a sudden. The lack of sleep had reached my brain didn't it?

He simply stares at me, tilting his head.

"How long has it been since-"

"No no..." I raise my fingers up, shushing him from all the way over here.

He doesn't speak, he stares before shaking his head, running his fingers through his hair. Even watching him do that was oddly attractive...I dont know what's happening anymore..I was losing it.

"You need sleep and you need food cara... seriously it's affecting you."

"Careful now...it almost seems like you care" I smile and he sets the remote down on the stand and strides over to me, hovering over me within seconds. He leans in and keeps his eyes on mine, inches away from my lips. I didn't know what was happening, but I could feel my heart quicken, beating through my ears loudly.

"What I want to do to you I would need you alive for, not dead" he smirked and for some reason I wanted him to pull me closer..but when he pulls away I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

He tosses me the remote and leaves, leaving me confused and dazed heavily.

What the fuck just happened?

"Part of me wanted it to be gentle, soft, passionate, hopefully he could tell this would be the first for literally everything, I was shaking and slightly terrified he would be disappointed I had no experience. The lights dim and his hand curls around my neck, his skin soft and gentle against mine and he meets his lips against mine-"

Shutting the TV off I close my eyes, not realizing how hot this TV show was making me feel. I had always enjoyed watching shows where they narrated every single thing they felt or thing that happened, makes me feel like im there with them. I was grateful for having this TV, I know I didn't deserve it but was grateful for it, the only question I had was why was he so nice now? He was cold the next minute then warm the next and it was so confusing. Just like his..friend? Brother? Whoever the other guy was, he was... different I could see it In his eyes.

Part of me had hoped he came back, but part of me wanted him to come back as well. I found myself drifting off to sleep and I had finally gotten the sleep I had been missing.

𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝒎𝒖𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now