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It had not been my intention to make love to Patrice, well not like this anyways but here I was buried balls deep in her sweet hot core and a few seconds away from letting loose inside her.

I had hoped to clear the air between us before I went down this path with her again, but as we all know things don't often go to plan.

Most of my time in the hotel's dining room was spent watching her. I knew she was aware of my eyes devouring her every move but try as I might
I could not keep my eyes off her.

Ritchie my right-hand man who oversees the majority of my business prospects was left in charge to handle Kronazz and the business proposal I had drafted. My attention was in no way on that matter at all.

I could focus only on this woman that was driving me crazy. Her pleasurable moans were driving me crazy. Everything about Patrice drove me crazy.

So much for not being caught up in no woman and man drama but as I said plans don't often go accordingly to the way you figure they would.
I had told myself I was going to leave her alone but instead, I had discarded my champagne glass and made my way to her.

I had purposefully waited until Nikki and Debs were not with her so I could take her away and talk to her for I know she might have seen it fit to hide away, but now I was getting the feeling she had purposefully stayed back when they went to the bar and I liked it.

I had intended to take her up to my private suit so I could lay down the load of my disappointment in how she had used me but, here I was with the elevator which was supposed to take us up to my suit purposefully stuck between floors and our bodies a sweaty mess of arousal diving to the brink of fulfillment.

Earlier when I had walked to where she stood rocking to Kronazz's sweet splices it was to get her to a private spot to clear myself of the feelings of hurt and dissatisfaction, it was not to get to the point of me driving hungrily into her wet hole.

She had known exactly that it was I who stood behind her and when she turned to face me the emotions written on her face mixed with her sincere apology had me losing all my resentment.

I was deeply fucked she had me hook, line, and sinker.

I sincerely care for Patrice, and walking away from her was the last thing I wanted. I had her here like this because of one fact, I did not want to lose her to anything or anyone. I wanted her for myself alone. I did not want the casual sex, the once-in-a-while hookups, or a so-called affair.

I reluctantly pull from her breaking the kiss and the connection of our joint bodies. I wanted to just hold her close and stay like this forever because it was clear I wanted no one to get in the way of what I am feeling.

"We need to talk," I told her my voice hoarse with emotions.

My hands slightly shook as I fix the clasp and pull up the zipper on the sky-blue dress pants of the pants suit I wore. I smooth my hand over the simple white shirt I wore beneath the matching jacket to regain some composure.

When I  let my eyes travel back to her all look of ecstasy had melted from her face. Her eyes were no longer glazed with the dreamy afterglow of our passionate sex. She had regained her staid composure.

"We do, don't we," she responded stepping away to retrieve her underwear which she pushed down in one of her boots before turning to straighten her clothes the best she could in the shiny surface of the wall of the elevator.

"Shall we," she said pointing to the buttons.

I quickly press the number to the desired floor which was less than two minutes up and took her by the hand and lead her out of the elevator as the door dinged open.

𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚖 - 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝𝐬. 𝐵𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑂𝑛𝑒 Where stories live. Discover now