Chapter 50💚

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It has been four days. Milianna hasn't been sleeping in the same bed as Jaelyn. They barely even speak. Every time Mili tried Jaelyn would have an attitude so she eventually gave up. Kayla finally texted her. She strictly stated she only wanted Mili as a friend and she wasn't going to need anything unless it was advice. She was already portrayed as a gold digger in their eyes and she wanted to fix that.

Milianna was also seven months pregnant. Jaelyn took her to the appointment two days ago. Even the doctor could tell that there was tension in the room. They told Mili she could possibly conceive at this stage.

"You hungry?" Jaelyn asks as Mili walks past her to the movie room.


"Anything particular?"

"I want a mango banana smoothie, but food wise it doesn't matter."

"Bet. Imma go get it. I'll be back."


Mia and Jayden were on their way to come over to talk about Kayla and how to approach Jaelyn about it. About five minutes later Mia, Jayden, and Nubi walk in with a maid.

"Hey bestie. How are you feeling?" Mia says as she sits down.

Mili grabs the remote and puts on a movie for Nubi to watch before her nap.

"Fine, the doctor told me I could possibly give birth any moment. I'm seven months pregnant."

"Thats early as fuck tho." Jayden says.

"Apparently about 60 percent of women while giving birth to more than one child can give birth earlier than the forty weeks."

"Oh, that makes sense. Where's Jaelyn at?"

"Getting us food."

"Y'all still not talking?" Mia asks.

"No not really. We barely talk. I don't sleep in the same bed as her. She always looks at me like I'm a nobody. I don't want to be a bother, so I stay away. I tried to talk to her for two days, but she never really wanted to talk to me."

"It'll get better. Maybe after the talk today y'all will be on good terms."

"Hopefully. What do I say? How do I go about it?"

"When she gets back ask her can you two talk privately. If she refuses just start talking. She likes to be stubborn. Start off with how you met Kayla and What y'all about and also express yourself. Stop letting Jaelyn walk over you. She may be my sister and I'm still mad at the moment but right is right and wrong is wrong." Jayden says.

"Okay. Anyways what you two do today?"

"I worked. I swear imma fire the secretary who's taking your place at the moment. I barely get mad but she's been pushing my limits. She's been working there for months and still not getting shit done right. When Jae comes back she's gonna fire her." Jayden says.

"I got it very easy and I don't even have a high school degree yet."

"You'll get it Bestie. Jae talked to me about helping you get a GED. Apparently y'all had a conversation about it."

"Yeah we did. I want to be a cook and I need a diploma to start my classes."

"Imma be there everyday."

"Me too. I was taking care of my baby. Zay had to work and I don't need to be at my office today. I appreciate Jaelyn's mom so much. Nubi attached herself to her. She calls her nana." Mia says.

"That is so cute. I can't wait. I hope my kids don't look like Trevor. I want them to look like me." Mili says.

"That's understandable. How has Kayla been holding up?"

"She called yesterday and we talked. I feel like she's having second thoughts on keeping the baby. I feel bad because I understand."

"Understandable hopefully Jae ass understands."

"If she keeps the baby all I want is for my babies to know it's siblings. That's all I care about. I get that Trevor did us dirty but I'd never keep siblings away from each other because eventually they will find out."

"Yeah you're not wrong. I hear someone coming."

After Mia says that Jaelyn walks in.
"Here Mili. What's up."

"Hey Jae." Mia says.

Jayden didn't acknowledge her. She was still mad at the way she talked about Mili. How do you love someone and talk about them like they mean nothing to you. Jaelyn rolled her eyes at Jayden and handed the food to Mili.

"Jae?" Mili says right before she walked out.


"Can we talk right quick?"

Jaelyn sighs before saying yes. Mili gets up and follows her into the hallway.


Mili starts off by telling her how Kayla approached her. What they talked about and her reaction.

"We've been texting recently. I haven't let my guard down because I don't know if she's fully genuine but I can tell she's hurt. I don't want her to feel alone. Y'all didn't make me feel alone. I rather spread the love. Plus I want our kids to know there's a sibling they might have."

"Why do that need to know if the Nigga is dead."

"They don't need to know who killed him or where he's at but eventually they'll ask questions whether we like the questions or not. When they get to a age of fully understanding I will not hide secrets from them about their father. About my past to them."

"Okay. Is that all?"

"Can you stop acting like this? All I'm asking is for you to listen and understand. I just got tired of feeling like I couldn't do anything for myself. I don't see how you don't understand that. I was wrong for not telling you before I did it and I'm sorry. Im sorry for stepping out of line and cussing. I was getting so frustrated and I couldn't control my emotions. I didn't intend to hide things from you or make you feel like I'm hiding stuff from you. I'd never do it on purpose without feeling like I had a reason to."

Jaelyn looks Mili in her eyes before looking away.

"I'm sorry too. I had no reason to act like that. I was mad but I was the reason you felt like that. I'm also sorry for throwing Trevor in your face when you shouldn't have to be reminded of the bad but move forward with the good. I talked to my moms but I didn't know how to go about it with you. I need to stop getting so angry with you and just communicate if I want shit to work out with us."

Jaelyn grabs Mili and hugs her.

"I'm really sorry baby. I love you."

"I love you too Jae."

While they were hugging Jaelyn kissed her neck before pulling away quickly.

"Umm did you just piss on me?" Jaelyn dang near yelled.

"No, but I am wet and hurting really badly."

"Baby I think you're going into labor."
Right on time Mia and Jayden rush out the room.

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