Scent of a Date

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Tutor had shown up to Yim's condo parking lot a bit later than 7:00. It was that notorious Bangkok traffic in rush hour. 

It definitely wasn't the extra moments spent making sure his hair was set properly. Or taking his time to  choose an outfit. He finally settled on a brand new black Louis Vuitton shirt he had recently bought and crisp white pants. And after debate he chose to correctly pair the outfit with Off White sneakers in a bold black and white color and sling a moss green Louis Vuitton bag around his shoulder. 

Sure it may have taken a few extra minutes, but he was just being aware of fashion. He couldn't help wanting to look his best at all times. 

So what if he spent time spritzing himself with cologne? This was just a regular occurrence as well. And what if he checked the proper scent level? He was just being kind on his behalf. Wanting to smell nice but not drown out the car was just being sensitive to others in the car. 

He couldn't helped that he looked good and smelled good. This was just a casual thing he did. If the final result made him look at 10 out 10, he couldn't help that. He just ended up looking good, even if was for a market stall date. 

Not a date. Definitely not a date.

A dinner with a friend. 

It was odd Yim wasn't waiting in the parking lot for him. Yim was usually prompt. Especially when it came to food he liked, and he seemed to be really craving herbal soup. Tutor popped a breath mint and waited.

His Line notification dinged. It was Yim.

"You here yet?" 

An Alien waving sticker accompanied the text. 

"Park and come on up!"

Park? Tutor thought he just picking up Yim to head to a nearby night market. Maybe Yim was just running late. Instead of replying back Tutor parked the car and headed up, using Yim's code in the elevator he remembered after once heading over. 

Tutor knocked on the door to Yim's condo and Yim quickly flung open the door. "Yo-- Ooo you look hot!"

Tutor coughed, scratched the back of his neck and looked away. When he looked back he noticed Yim was in grey sweatpants and a loose home T-shirt that had vintage Looney Tunes characters on it. Even heading to a market stall this was not the sort of outfit that Yim would wear. His look screamed sitting at home and chilling. What happened to dinner?

"What about---" Dinner? 

"Where's your bag?" Yim quickly interrupted.

"Here." Tutor said pointing to his green Louis Vuitton sling bag. 

"No! Your overnight bag." Yim said and huffed.

"I didn't---" Tutor said.

"No worries if you forgot to grab it. I have extras of everything!" Yim shrugged and turned to go further into his condo leaving Tutor to follow. Tutor quickly toed off his sneakers and followed Yim in.

"Say I would stay overnight." Tutor thought but didn't say. He was thinking a lot of things. What happened to dinner? Why wasn't Yim dressed? Speaking of dressed, why did that oversized shirt with the child's print look really cute on Yim? The stretched worn out neckline was showing off Yim's delicate collarbones.

"What are you doing? Sit!" Yim patted next to him and squint smiled. The way Yim's nose scrunched made Tutor's heart skip a beat. He sat on the couch a little bit further than where Yim had patted. A little distance would help. Yim probably had a good explanation for all of this. It would be rude to stand and just wait for one. 

After too long of a silence, Tutor prompted, "Dinner?"

"Oh yeah. Don't worry I ordered it for 7:45 it should be here shortly. You like the braised beef on top right?" Yim smiled. 

Yim wanted to eat at home. Okay. Fine food was food. Besides, Bangkok in September was the temperature Bangkok always was and the breeze died at night, so it could be downright uncomfortable eating outside at any of the stalls that sell boiling soup. The pleasant AC in Yim's condo was a welcome reprieve. This made sense. They'd discuss the overnight stay eventually. Just after food. 

Yim was being surprisingly quiet. He was staring at Tutor on the couch and scrunching up his nose. 

"Did you change your cologne? You smell really good."

"Uhhh... No. I just applied it differently." Usually he walked into the sprayed scent, but today he chose to apply it on his wrists and chest. 

"Hmm cool!" Yim shrugged and smiled. "Let me smell it more." 

Yim dove into Tutor, despite Tutor sitting a distance away on Yim's small couch. He held onto Tutor's chest for balance and shoved his face on Tutor's neck. Yim gave a big sniff and his nose tickled Tutor's neck. 

Tutor tried to remain extremely still. It was easy because the shock froze him.

"Mmm I like it." Yim said, still snuggled on Tutor's neck. Yim moved a fraction and his lips touched Tutor's neck. "It's good." Yim hummed. 

The hand on Tutor's chest started moving and Tutor finally broke out of his shock, but then he realized in what position he was now in. Yim had gotten half on top of Tutor and Tutor was half sitting half laying on the couch pressed down by Yim. Yim's sniffing had sent Tutor on his back but this was not the way it was going to end. If kept laying back who knows what Yim would be up to. So he consciously pushed Yim and yet unconsciously kept pushing until Tutor was on top. Yim in his graceful way acquiesced easily and even squint smiled at Tutor. 

Tutor just stayed there on top of Yim. Yim's hands continued to move on Tutor's chest and to his tight abs. Tutor kept his hands on Yim's shoulder's holding them down. They stayed silent looking into each others eyes. Tutor leaned down drawn in by that smile. Their breath touching each other's faces. 

A Toy Story aliens "Oooo" ringtone broke through. 

"Oh the foods here! Let's eat!" Yim said cheery. 

The comical "Oooo" ringtone continuously going off in intervals.

"You need to get off me to eat you know?" Yim smiled.

Tutor blinked and shifted off of Yim. Quickly getting up to move to the small kitchen area. Tutor grabbed a glass from the cabinet and poured cold water from the fridge. He chugged it down and poured another. 

"I'll make us water." He said. "More water. Drinks. I mean."

Yim was busy talking on the phone to the delivery driver and ignored Tutor's talk. "Sure I'll be right down!" He said.

Tutor was left in the apartment. Alone thankfully. Who knew tonight would be so hard?

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