It was all wrong, it was perfect

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"P'Max~ Is that all you're eating?" Nat said moving his phone around to try to get a better look at Max's plate. It was their usual video call during dinner chat.

"Stop moving your phone Nong, yes this it." Max smiled, eyes turning into little half moons and glinting back at Nat. 

"But like where's the noodles? The soup? The anything?!" Nat couldn't believe it, if that's what it took to make the body of a Greek god he'd settle with his own form. Besides he already had the body of a Greek god... on top him. Multiple times. Nat giggled. 

"Is my food so funny?" Max kept smiling at him. 

"No. Not that... Miss you P'Max." Nat smiled back. 

"Miss you too Nong." They settled in comfortable silence smiling at each other.

"So... guess what? Tutor and Yim may finally become a couple." Nat giggled, happy to spill the gossip. 

"Really?" Max said incredulously. 

"I know! I thought it would never ever happen. Jelly and I were giving them the best advice. I mean look how it worked for us!"

Max coughed and blamed it on his meal. "I hope it uhhhh worked for them."

"Tutor didn't take it, but Yim kind of did." Nat said. Max looked to the heavens and said nothing. 

"What?" Nat asked.

"Nothing." Max said simply. "I'm just happy if they're happy." 

"Yeah~" Nat replied and continued to stare starry-eyed at his partner through the phone. "Wanna stay over tomorrow?"

"We have an early start time for our shooting the next day. That seems like a good idea." Max contemplated.

I wasn't talking about the shoot. Nat thought but figured he'd have time to climb that mountain ---and Max-- when he came over.


Tutor showed up to the breakfast spot 20 minutes early. He knew he wanted to be with Yim and Yim wanted the same. But it didn't feel so easy. The more he sat in his car, the more stupid he felt. He should've brought flowers. Okay maybe flowers was too flashy. A gift perhaps. Jewelry felt too over the top and clothing felt too impersonal. Who says "Let's be boyfriends" with a shirt?

He was fumbling this. 10 minutes left and his palms felt sweaty and his breathing became shallow. Tutor put his hand over his heart and tried to settle himself. Then out of the corner of his eye he noticed Yim walking into the cafe. 

Tutor quickly stumbled out of the car and rushed inside to greet Yim. Yim saw him and smiled, then quickly fixed his face into a blank expression. 


Tutor knew he messed up and hurt Yim, but he was so lost in trying to fix the situation that he forgot how Yim must've been feeling. Tutor turned him down, flatly, and shoved him out of his car. All Yim currently knew is that he was getting a free meal from an asshole.

"Aunty, I'll have the pan fried eggs and sausages, the omelette with crab and two orders of patango donuts." Yim said and glared at Tutor. Okay so Yim was going to take his anger out on Tutor's wallet and his stomach. So Yim. Tutor couldn't help but smile. 

"Make it two pan fried eggs and sausages and three patango orders, please." Tutor added and paid.

Yim just loudly huffed and went to find an open pair of seats. Tutor let the Aunty working the store where they'd be sitting and moved to be with Yim. Yim was quiet. Although Yim didn't do quiet, so his quiet was tapping his foot against the metal leg of the table. When that wasn't enough he grabbed a napkin and started tearing it up. He could start a one man band with all this silence.

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