Chapter 3

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I awoke to blaring sirens, busting glass, and car horns.

I shot out of bed and ran upstairs.

A police officer was standing in the entryway and I gulped down my fears.

Glass was shattered around the officer's feet. Drew's car was parked in the driveway and he was laying on the horn.

"Damn it!" I hissed and grabbed a t-shirt off my floor after I ran into the basement.

I threw on some skinny jeans and my leather jacket and flew up the stairs and into the car.

The jeans were my favorite with a metal chain dangling by my left leg. I jammed my phone in my back pocket and waved a silent hello to Drew.

"Step on it!" I yelled.

He jumped and stomped on the pedal.

"Dang, dude, you scared me." He chuckled.

"There was a police officer in the house. I had to get out."

We got to the school parking lot and parked in the reserved parking lot.

Girl's eyes got wide when we walked out of the car, we were well known as the rebellious duo.

We never payed attention to teachers and always got in trouble.

The girls that I turned down, Drew would fuck them. The guys he turned down, I would fuck them.

We walked to our first period algebra class and sit in our normal spots in the back.

After two periods of complete boring hell, I turned to Drew.

"Hey, do you want to leave? I'm tired of this shit."

"Yeah, let's go."

We walked out of the hallway and out to the parking lot.

I slipped into the car and Drew sped off.

Drew parked the car outside the diner we always seem to be at.

We stepped in and were greeted by some of the staff members.

"Good afternoon Finn, Drew. Skipping school again I see. What can I get you?" Samantha smiled.

"Well Sam, I would like a burger please." I smiled.

"No. He'll have a salad." Drew corrected.

"Shut the fuck up Drew. I'm having the burger." I turn back to Sam and smile. "I'll have the burger."

She nodded and wrote down my order. I found us our table as Drew ordered his food.

We sat in the same booth in the back every time we come, which is pretty much everyday so the employees don't normally let anyone else sit here.

Drew slid into the seat across from me, looking pissed.

"Why the hell did you order a burger. You're on a diet for fucks sake."

"I don't need to be on a damn diet. I have the body of a model so shut up."

"Dude, if you want to keep that body, you need to eat healthy!"

"I'm perfectly fine and compatible with burgers so shut up." I growled back.

The doorbell to the diner rang and the same man I'd seen the past times I'd come here walked through the door with a purpose.

He sat down in the same seat he'd been in and ordered.

I couldn't quite tell what he was ordering but it's not like I cared or anything. I scoffed at my thoughts.

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