You set me up as the villan

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*Noah's p.o.v*

     I sighed as my phone rang "What do you want Erica?"
"Aww baby don't be like that you know you miss me it was nice seeing you the other day"
"Yea well don't get too touchy feely that was the last time you'll see me Erica"
"Oh yea? We'll see about that" I hung up my phone and headed out to the main part of the bus. Nick stood there with a disgusted look on his face "Seriously dude?" I just looked at him "What?"
"You were talking to Erica! I don't even know how you could give her the time of day after what she did to you dude and what about Savannah does she not mean anything to you?"
"Of course she means something to me besides I didn't do anything I just saw her and spent an hour or so with her"
"Do you not remember the anxiety and panic attacks you used to have and how you smoked weed and did insane amounts of dabs?" I rolled my eyes at him "Yea I remember but the anxiety and dabs wasn't just because of Erica"
"I don't give a shit do you really want to go back to those days? You know if Savannah finds out she's gunna be crushed and she is the best thing to happen to you man"
"I know dude but that's the last of Erica when we get back home I'm changing my number"


     It's the last day of tour and I head over to Savannah's bus I knock and Maxxie opens the door "Hey your princess is setting up our merch tent we found a space close to our stage" I make my way over and my heart drops to my stomach Savannah looks over at me and waves me over with a giant smile "Hey babe look who came down here your friend Erica she wanted to introduce herself to me!" Erica just looked at me with a devilish grin "I felt bad I didn't get to meet her the last time but I had some where else to be" Savannah just looked so happy "She's so nice I can see why you've been friends for so long it's nice you guys are still close even after you've moved away"
"Yea so nice, well Savannah it was a pleasure meeting you but I'm really only down here for business I just wanted to sneak in and say hi" Erica walked away and I felt like I could breath again. Savannah gave me a hug and a kiss "I'm so glad you were able to be apart of this tour" I smiled and hugged her back "I am too, thank you again for pitching me to Kevin this has been a great experience and opportunity" "Anytime Noah, now I need to get back to business and then I have a few interviews to do but I will definitely see you at the after party tonight" I smiled "Sounds great I'll see you later" I started to walk off "Noah!" I turned around "I love you!" Hearing her say that always gives me butterflies but today it gives me mixed emotions "I love you too Savannah, always"

*Sav's p.o.v*

     "Damn girl looking hot!" I blushed and finished getting ready as I was getting off the bus I ran into Erica she smiled and waved at me "Hey girl! Got done with business and hoped to see you and Noah"
"Well you got here just in time Kevin throws send off parties every tour I'm heading over there now"
"Ooh I got here just in time, you look great I see why Noah is crazy about you" I just blushed and kept my head down "Aww I'm sorry I didn't mean to embarrass you, you 2 are adorable so how'd you guys meet?"
"Well we met 5 years ago at warped tour actually I was on the line up and he was a fan and then last year he was my opening band" we stopped walking for a minute "Oh my gosh that is adorable"
"I guess it's been going good so far" I see Noah and give him a wave he looks at us and he looks like he saw a ghost, I ran over and hugged him "Look who's back!"
"I see let's get a drink, Erica you want your usual" she smiled "You know me so well" I grabbed a cup and filled it with jungle juice.

*Noah's p.o.v*

     Nick came storming up to me "What the fuck is she doing here?"
"Starting drama what else" Nick punched me in the shoulder "Well what are you gunna do it about? Her and Savannah seem to be buddy buddy over there"
"Yea I know I hate it"
"Well good luck man" Nick walked off I just rolled my eyes "Thanks man" Erica walked over to me "Are you going to spend time with your girls or are you just gunna stand here all night" I just glared at her "I'm going to spend time with my girlfriend not my ex" I walked over to Savannah "Hey, you ok you seem a little stressed"
"Yea I'm just tired let's head to my bus you can come home with us" I grabbed her arm and started walking her back to the bus lot "I like it when you take control" Savannah giggled uncontrollably "How are you drunk off 1 cup?"
"It's cause I had 2"
"What? When did you get a second cup?"
"After my first" Savannah just laughed some more
"Stupid question I guess do you even know what's in jungle juice?"
"Liquor" Savannah just smiled her eyes glazed over from the alcohol "Let's just get you into bed" I laid her down and closed the curtain to my bunk that's when Erica started blowing up my phone I don't know why she's trying to start shit 4 years later especially when she cheated on me. Nick climbed into the bus "Don't worry the wicked witch is gone, where's Savannah?"
"I'm right here" Savannah squeaked out she looked pale and was sweating profusely "I think someone put something in my drink though" As soon as she said that she hit the floor I ran to check her pulse it was faint Nick rushed over and we carried her to the medic tent and they loaded her onto the ambulance "If anyone's coming you need to do it now" The EMT told us Nick just looked at me "You go obviously I'll go let everyone know where she's going" I shook my head and hopped into the back of the ambulance with her

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