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Porsche pov

I woke up in the morning. Kinn sleeping beside me.
Then I thought about last night. I promised him, that I will be with him until next month. Then I closely looked at him while he was sleeping. I was closer to him and suddenly he opened his eyes.
"Are you enjoying my handsome face " Kinn asked me.
"What, who wants to look at your face. There is something on your face. I just want to look at what it is." I said to him.
He is getting out of bed. And I sat on the bed.
"Really, you don't want to look at me." Suddenly he kissed on my cheek.
"What are you doing Kinn?" I pushed him back.
"What? Yesterday you told that you will be my wife for one month. After that you can decide. Now we are husband and wife. So I want kiss my wife. Is there any problem." Kinn asked me.
"Then ok, but you must've asked me." I said to him.
"What? I don't need permission to kiss my wife. It's not going to be happened ". Kinn said to me.
"But I have problem with this. You should respect my decision also. I'm not your private property." I said to Kinn.
" Sorry, I never thought about it. Suddenly I want to kiss you. I didn't think anything else. I respect you. It's never gonna happen. I'm sorry again ". He apologized to me.

Wow! I never thought that he said that. I thought that he again quarreled with me. And he went to take shower.

Kinn pov

Why didn't I never thought about Porsche. When I saw him firstly I want give him a kiss. But I never considered Porsche's emotions. At first I thought that it was my right to kiss him but when Porsche said like that. I rethink about it. He is correct first I should respect him.
After I came back from shower. I saw Porsche getting ready.

"Where did you shower?" I asked him.
"I went to the next room, We are the only ones here. So I took a shower in the next room" he replied to me.

After getting ready. We ate our breakfast.

Then I took Porsche out for a walk.

Porsche pov

It was a huge Island. There are so many things to see. There is a beach, meadows, small hills, and a forest with a lot of trees and a stream.Whe the bodyguard which explained to us about the Island I want to explore it, But he says that don't try to go deeper to the forest there are no animals but nobody goes there. They just bought the Island for our honeymoon so in the future we can explore it. I just dreamed about a place like this. I told my dad and he agreed to, but suddenly the marriage proposal came and my every plan was ruined by him.

We went to the meadow. It was so beautiful and calm. It's sunny, there is a breeze which always blows with warmth.
The scenary was so beautiful. Green grasses which dancing with the wind. Small insects were chirping and jump here and there. There was a small tree and birds were resting on the branches. And last the clear blue sky. I just mesmerized in the beauty of nature.

Kinn Pov

When we went to meadow. Porsche is like a small child which jumping all around. I just looked him for a couple of minutes. He was so happy he didn't care about me. I think he fantasized himself in the world. We spend a lot of time. And can't take my eyes from Porsche.

In the afternoon. Bodyguards were served our lunch.
"Here Porsche open your mouth." I said to him.
"No I can eat myself." He said to me.
"Porsche, please" I begged to him.
"Ok". He  opened his mouth and I feed him. And I was happy. It is the first time Porsche listening me.

After lunch.
"Porsche can I take a nap on your lap? Please." I begged him with puppy eyes.
"Ok, only for this time. Never asked me again."
" Love you" I'm about to kiss him. Then I remembered my promise. So I didn't kissed him.

When I wokeup. It was already dusk. Thea bird's were flying to their nest. And the sky was so reddish. I sit next to Porsche. And put his head on my shoulder.

Porsche pov

After ok lunch. Kinn asked me he wants to take a nap on my lap. I said yes to him. Because in the morning he behaved to me very respectful. So it was a reward for him. After he sleeps I slowly cared his . I don't want to do it but I did and enjoyed it also.

When he wakes up I just missed his hair. I want to touch again. Suddenly he put my head on his shoulder. But I didn't reject it. I enjoyed it , we watched the sunset.

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