Chapter One: A Hope

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It was a long time ago...
The day that the great and powerful Meta Knight attempted to take over Dreamland. He almost succeeded. The ship was crashing. Vul was first to jump out, feathers fluttering in the wind. He hadn't flown for ages, so he expectedly fell straight down. The bird plunged into a deep ocean, unable to escape. He tried to float, but there was no use. All he could do was yell like a stranded human. He attempted to swim to the nearest land, but almost drowned. The Halberd was going at a great speed, so it flew away. He was stuck in the middle of the ocean, unsure where he was. Due to the speed of the Halberd, he had no clue where he was. His eyes closed for a minute, and they didn't open again.
Vul sighed to himself as he took a sip of the coffee in his hand. He didn't want to remember those times. He didn't even want to call himself a Captain. He had to say his name was Gully incase anyone recognised him as the bird who tried taking over Dreamland. He had no clue where he was. When he woke up, he wasn't in Dreamland. He was on a planet called Cofeteno. A warm planet. It was like a regular civilisation, but everyone was serious and nobody joked around. As he finished, he threw the cup into a bin. The planet seemed like a dream of his, but he had realised how miserable it was. Nobody wanted to show the tiniest shred of joy incase they disturbed everyone. Even Vul, a crabby man, was tired of it. He stood up and began to walk home.

He reached the road to his apartment, but spotted something that caught his eye. A small orange butterfly. Normally he wouldn't waste his time, but he felt drawn to it. He followed it into an alleyway. He felt the sky darken. The world paused. The wise butterfly illuminated the dark alleyway. He looked at it with confusion.
"Captain Vul..." it spoke. He was taken aback. Did this tiny butterfly just say his name?!
"I'm here to deliver a message. What you desire is still present, and you are going to find it by yourself."
"... Am I seeing things?" he asked, not expecting a response.
"This is real. And you, Captain Vul, will find a ship and soar into space."
"... What are ye on about?"
"You will find your team, but everything will be different. They'll be different. They live in different worlds. They are still alive. Find them." The butterfly disappeared. The world resumed normally like nothing ever happened. Vul was shocked, but went to his apartment. He sighed sadly. He was miserable without any sign of his team. Maybe it's about time he did something...

And on another planet, there was another member of the great Battleship Halberd.
There was a Waddle Dee who jumped out last minute. An innocent soul that wasn't ready to die. He had no idea if Meta Knight even survived.

He was on a planet called Euphor-ia. It was a sweet little planet full of lovely people. People who were lazy, and never wanted to work. Sailor Dee loved the planet to begin with, but now he secretly resents it. Meta Knight would've died to take this place over all those years ago. But... Meta Knight could actually be dead. Sailor Dee was delusional and honestly unrealistic. He wished everyday that he'd see the ship fly into the atmosphere. He missed the days of high stress and verbal abuse from Captain Vul.

He teared up at the memory and looked around. He was in a park full of people who would only express happiness. Not a single one would dare to cry or be angry. The only other emotion they could show is love. Sailor Dee was frustrated. He got up and left, feeling empty. Since he didn't have a mouth, nobody could tell what he was really feeling. As he made it to his cosy little house, he started to remember more. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes.
"S-Sir Meta Knight... where are you?" He was still under the impression that Meta Knight was on his way to rescue him. But it had been years of living on this planet. He was desperate, and would do anything to see him again. To see all his friends. He cried to himself, praying that this agony would just end. Praying that the Halberd would be right outside his door. But something caught his eye: a little orange butterfly, pure and innocent like him. He stopped crying instantly. The world darkened. The butterfly illuminated his room.
"Sailor Waddle Dee..." it spoke. He looked at it with surprise.
"Huh? How... how did you know my name?"
"I know everything. I know you're sad without your friends. Fear not, as one day the Halberd will be seen again. It may take time, but you'll see it soon."
"R-Really?! I'm gonna see him again?!" he cried with joy.
"Not Meta Knight, but another important person. Stay calm, and don't leave this planet." The butterfly floated away, leaving no trace of it ever being there. The Waddle Dee was confused, yet hopeful.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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