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The car was stuffy and smelt like shit due to the fact we had been driving for hours, and that prince had made a mess. We finally pulled up to a grey metal gate signed "Waterloo Road".
the driver parked the car and we all emerged from the car.

"Look at the state of him hes well minging!" Sam exclaimed getting out the car holding Prince as far away from her as possible

"I told you to open a window" Mum sighed getting out the car

"Give him here." I scoffed taking Prince off her
"Its okay, were here now" I smiled to Prince

"Where ever it is its a dump" Earl scoffed emerging from the car

"We've only been here 10 seconds" Sam responded dryly, rolling her eyes at Earls comment

"Twice as long as we stayed in the last place" Earl remarked giving mum a dirty look

I tried my best to ignore them as I pointed everything around us out to Prince, who smiled and babbled in response. Marley came up next to us and smoothed his head.

"It's alright, I dont care what this place is like. Cos were not flaming moving again" Earl stated angrily as he slammed the car door

"I dont think anyones got a problem with that Earl" Marley replied bitterly walking over to the cars boot

"Just saying" Earl remarked

"We heard." Marley stated, he began helping the taxi driver with afew bags, which was actually all our stuff in binbags and bags for life "and since were staying, mind giving us a hand? You to Den" He continued turning to Denzil who was just stood staring at the large building we were outside off

I walked over to help the boys with the bags and proceeded to grab a small sports bag, Earl immediately snatched it from my hand protectively

"Oi ill take that!" He exclaimed sourly

I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed a large bin bag and placed a backpack on my shoulder, Marley let out a sigh as he grabbed the majority of the bags

As we drag all our bags out the taxis boot mum and the taxi driver begin to argue, i turned around and gave Marley a worried look before turning to mum.

"I dont have £50!" She exclaimed

Sam began digging in a bag she was holding "I have some birthday money left" She said grabbing a £5 note and holding it out to mum

"I cant sweetheart" Mum hesitates

"It's alright" Sam insisted pushing the note into her hand

"Ill pay you back" Mum added quickly before turning to the Taxi driver who now looked awkward and sympathetic

"It's alright Love, forget it" He said shaking his head

Mum smiled to herself but it didn't last long when she noticed a sour look on Earls face,

"Earl its okay" Mum insisted

"No im not having this Taxi driver thinking we are some sort of charity case!" He shouted

I turned around, not letting Prince watch the situation as i continued to talk to him about random things we saw across the school yard, colours, letters, clouds, that sort. Suddenly there was alot of shouts and a women had appeared infront of me.

"Get off him!" The women shouted at Earl

I turned my head slightly to see Earl pinning the driver to his taxi, Mum looking worried and the women furious.

"Earl leave it." I sighed

The women pushes Earl of the Taxi driver, and his then shouting at him, Of course he isn't listening and begins advancing on the driver.

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