Untamable [/S]

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Btw [/S] means slight smut, there is a bit of foreplay but no official dick on dick.

Kinks: Brat taming (kinda?), Teasing, degrading

Also based on Bryan Adams' song 'Get Off My Back' (and yes it's from Spirit Stallion of The Cimarron) uhhhh good movie, my childhood

I'll put the song uptop 💀

Tom sat tied in ropes, he was in the interrogation room, a smirk played on his face. Another guard entered the room.

"If you do not cooperate Red Leader will be notified of your protest."

"Notify him all you want~" Tom cooed before chuckling.

The guard gulped, a bead of sweat rolling down her forehead. Wiping her face with her sleeve she picked up her walkie-talkie.

"He's not budging, over." She spoke.

"Shall we send another guard?"

"No-no, it's not working, we need Red."

"Over." The man parroted from the other line.

Tom snickered, "You gonna send in big Red?~"

"Don't talk about our leader like that."

"What's he gonna do? Waste more of my time?" Tom snorted with laughter.

"Red's busy, he says to send more guards." The walkie talkie echoed.

"Y-yes sir."

"Let's see about this 'Thomas'." One of the guards laughed. He walked into the room.

Tom was sitting outside of his ropes, he was currently sharpening his teeth against a petty officer's badge.

"Get back into your ropes, prisoner."

Tom purred as he tied himself back up.
So far so smooth for the guard. "We need info on your friend's whereabouts."

Tom purred, "Mmmm~ I don't think so."

He slid a hand out of the ropes to twirl his hair around in a teasing manner. "Unless you wanna, draw it out of me..."

The guard snarled slightly, "Shut your trap."

"I thought you wanted me to talk~"

The guard growled. "W-we'll use force!"

"Go ahead, force me~"

The man pulled out a taser, he stepped forward; he swore he saw Tom's eyes flash magenta. Tom licked his lips teasingly.

"We'll come on... I can't wait all day." He giggled.

As the man stepped forward Tom sprung fur and grew horns from his head. His teeth becoming noticably sharper.
He growled before jumping onto the man.

The guard screamed as Tom bit into his shoulder.

Sounds of screams echoed from the room, the man running out moments later. The others watched in shock.

A soldier smirked as she cracked her knuckles, "This'll be easy."

Five minutes went by, she was flung through the door. Another soldier rushed in. "I'm armed!" They yelled.

Tom purred, "Likewise, bitch."

They screamed at the top of their lungs and tried to hide under the desk. Tom smashed the desk and snarled.

They never came back out.

So many soldiers, too many. They all tried; eventually Red had to be called to the scene. Everyone in the base gathered around.

Red went into the room.

"Are you the Red Leader?~"

"In fact I am, Thomas."

Tom looked behind him to see, Tord?

"Oh Tordy, they described the Red Leader to be a scary big dicked dom."

Tord narrowed his eyes.

"I don't really see it in you." Tom spoke as he rolled his eyes. "You need to learn your place." Tord said, venom laced his tone.

"How about you teach it to me, baby?"

Tord growled as he picked up Tom and pinned him against the wall. His robot arm keeping a firm grip on Tom.

Tom struggled slightly. Tord began to kiss the Brit's neck; Tom couldn't help but roll his hips.

"See darling? You are just another submissive whore, nothing special~"

"No-not my f-ault your soldiers a-are all baby di-cks."

Tord snarled, "Thats another thing, you are going to learn to respect authority around here, slut."

Tom connected his lips to Tord's. "It'll be a new experience for me." Tom chuckled.
Tord bit into Tom's sweet spot. Tom yelped in pain.

"You're a bit rough for my taste." Tom spat.

"Deal with it, bitch." Tord grabbed Tom's chin and messily made out with him.
Tom whined gently, he could feel Tord's hard-on pressing against him.

"Oh come on Tord, y-"

"You will address me as 'Red Leader' or 'Sir', little bitch."

Tom scoffed as he grinded on Tord. "You don't have any real power, baby."

"You are wrong."

"Me and you both know I'm right baby."

"You are wrong." He growled.

He turned Tom and shoved him into the wall, rutting his hips against Tom's ass.
His grinding slowly became rougher.

"Ahhh!~" Tom cried.

Tord smirked and dropped Tom to the ground. He shoved Tom's head into the floor as he continued to grope and play with his ass.

Roughly squeezing, slapping, and caressing his backside and whispering dirty little degrading things into his ear.
Tom panted and squeezed his thighs together. There wasn't any way that Tord could take control of him.

With a snarl he flipped there positions, "Not so tough now are you, baby?~"
He purred in Tord's ear as he grinded onto Tord's erection.

"F-fuck-" Tord groaned.

"That's right." The brit growled.

Tord gripped his hair; forcing a moan from Tom. "You dare disobey me, you whore."

More minutes passed by, moans and yells came from the room. When the door opened everyone snapped their attention towards it. He was holding Tom, Tom's head resting on his shoulder, looking behind him.

"You see, it's truly not hard. All it takes is some authority and patience." Tord stroked Tom's hair and kissed the shell of his ear.

"Isn't that right, min tispe?"

"Y-yes sir." He mumbled.

"I can't hear you."

Tom's eye's glowed, his horn's protruding from his head. His long beautiful claws dug into Tord's shoulder and his long fluffy tail dragged on the ground.

He used his claws to rip off Tord's robot arm.

"Hva faen?! W-what are you?!"

"Not your bottom." Tom smirked. He threw Tord onto the ground and turned to run. Though he was paralyzed, he turned to see Tord the expression he wore was of that of pure malice.

Tord handcuffed him, "Take him to a cell, 3 days; no food no water." The soldiers nodded and dragged him off.

The days were long and unbearable.
He was famished, his dry mouth aching due to his dehydration. He was nobody's bitch, he wouldn't allow Tord to dominate him, he was untamable.


I am thinking on making a part 2, just tell me if you want one 💀

Hope you liked it, please request.

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