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Higher-dimensional abomination(currently)



- N/n (only three can call them that)
- Bringer of pain
- Creature of pure choas
- Malice of Discord
- living hacker of madness
- glitches abomination

You can decide what you look like.

Y/n is a person who lived a normal with their siblings that they loved. During their normal, they were seen as disturbed as y/ns mental state was very malicious and throughout their life become violent and sadistic thought at the time was small.

Although it is unknown how they become a glitch abomination except 'them' but one thing is known is that after that incident, they've abandoned their humanity.

y/ns desire to make anyone feel pain grew and grew as time went on in his travels across the multiverse to the point that he considers this their job to do so. They may know how much pain anyone feels, but that doesn't mean they'll help them get it better.

They are usually a complex type of person always having a plan, counter, or a way to outplay/deceive/manipulate their enemies. They also have a bit of a god mindset, always seeing any lesser being as fun toys to play with, thinking every mortal/human as insignificant creatures and at most times forgetting they were once human themselves.

Their also remorseless and careless about their actions and consequences not thinking their above it but thinking that they're worthless for a concept and thus will do anything without a care for anyting whether it's an insane, stupid, evil, good, traitorous, traumatizing or terrible idea it is as long as it benefits them.

The only people they care about are their siblings, tough they don't like to show this affectionate side of them in front of anyone and disapprove of anyone who asks them to care for their siblings as their the only ones that can make y/n feel truly calm.

Causing pain and suffering, the screams of thier enemies, to have toys, innocent souls, to be in control, (favourite drink), (favourite beverages), (favourite colour) and (whatever you like).

To be commanded/controlled, being fooled, thier toys going against them, to be spared, too much niceness, (least favourite drink), (least favourite beverages), (least favourite colour) and (whatever you dislike)


God ender:One of the few knives is capable of killing any type of gods, hackers, viruses, and outcodes

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God ender:
One of the few knives is capable of killing any type of gods, hackers, viruses, and outcodes.
Prooduces a virus like infected sans that slowly distort their powers and abilities.
You can channel your power into it to do a variety of things.

Higher-dimensional abomination
Y/n became a 10th dimensional hacker, an entity that has transcended beyond 9 dimensional space, with all of the benefits gained from that. Although other entities of the same or beyond transcendence might see them as a normal entity, any lower-dimensional entity will see them as unfathomable entity possessing power beyond their comprehension.

Posses power beyond the comprehension of lower dimensional beings.

Become virtually omnipresent within lower-dimensional space.

Know virtually everything about lower-dimensional spaces.


Reality Programming:
As a hacker, y/n can manipulate reality by instructing it in a way similar to that of instructing computers. They can interface with and control existence/reality like the settings for a system, allowing them to manipulate it on a physical (material, natural, dimensional) or metaphysical (mental, conceptual, supernatural) level, like any type of system such as a computer.

Boundary manipulation:
Thanks to their penultimate lack of border inhibition, all boundaries physical, material, spiritual, existential, pataphysical, logical, conceptual, metaphysical bend, change and distort to y/ns even overriding anyones control of them.

True Freedom:
Y/n became so completely alien in origin, form, and existence that the very nature of their entirety defies all logic and nature, truly and completely otherworldly in origin, one appears as a complete obscenity by any sense.

Free Movement:
Being beyond the 4 dimensional space and time, y/n can fluidly move around in any environment or conditions, allowing feats such as kicking off any/all surfaces, including intangible and ever-changing surfaces They can move with complete ease on land, air, water, or anything else.

Spatial Control:
Y/n has mastered complete of all space in any and all realities and dimensions, whether they are physical spatial locations - such as the fourth dimension, another timeline, heaven or hell - or metaphysical spaces - such as into a dream realm, into a painting, or even between fantasy and reality.

Time control:
Y/n has mastered complete of all time in any/all realities, dimensions and universes, whether they are physical locations, such as entire universes, or metaphysical locations such as heaven, hell, or even the dream world.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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