Part 7

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Zenitsu woke up in the real world. He groaned as he wiped his eyes off. Another day to school, great.

Why do he need to wake up early for a shitty education anyway

He went in downstairs and Kaigaku was there making ramen for himself.

"Took you long enough to get up you scumbag. I aint wasting my time bein' late because of your bullshit"

". . . Sorry. ."

"Whatever. Get out of here

Oh and bring dinner on the way. You better mark my word or else I'll give you an another beating."

He slammed the door as Zenitsu gulped in fear (gok gok gok gok/jjjjj)

Meanwhile when he arrived at school

Zenitsu entered the library because there was an upcoming test. He needed to study otherwise he'd had a second argument with Kaigaku. He climbed up a ladder and brought an encyclopedia.

He proceeds to find a place much more quieter than the crowded and noisy ones since he couldn't focus. He found a table and sat there quietly.

Just then, a student was about to grab a book. As it pulled the book away, one book fell right in front of Zenitsu too.

Zenitsu grabbed it and was about to place it back to its proper place. Although, the book said "College memory book  school year: 2005-2006"

The time in his era is 2007

He suddenly grabbed it and opened it. It was a picture of students. But as he keeps on turning the page, he noticed one small problem.

The same boy being found in the pictures, his face was either torn out, face getting scribbled, or his face was punched a hole in it

Zenitsu was concerned who the boy was. He tried to look a page for his profile and suddenly he found it. 

He found his profile considering he knew that the same guy has a scribbled face.

The name, age, location is scribbled as well. Except for the quote

"I wanted to make people happy so no mankind won't ever had to drown in the depths of sorrows ever again." -The student

Doesn't this feel weird that this line sounds familiar to him. . .? He wants to ask the librarian about this boy. So he left his seat and approached to the librarian the with the memory book he's holding.

"Excuse me. . . Miss. . .?"

The librarian was a kind and nice old lady. She looked at the boy 

"Hello there young man! What must I do for you?"

"Ah. . . Well you see. . . About this old memory book I had here. . . This man's face has been scribbled lots of times. Not even a single of his information can be seen nor his face"

The old lady adjusted her glasses analyzing the details

"I'm not sure child. But whoever did this must be vandalizing the school properties. Some say that this person passed away just as the same day of the college graduation due to suicide. There were rumors about it. But the rumors stopped in the mid-2006's. But if he did passed away, I hope his spirit lives within forever. . . Why do you ask?"

"O-Oh I got curious. . . A-Anyways, would you mind if I borrow this book for a while? I wanted to know more about this. . ."

"Hmmm. . . I dont know about the school rules if they did let anyone borrow a memory book. But, sure. I wouldn't mind if I break the rule. I highly doubt that you would damage the book. But it's fragile so please take care of it for me!"

"R-Really?! Thank you so much kind woman!"

Zenitsu bowed and left the place to place it inside his school bag. As he hurriedly ran to his classroom, he bumped across the same woman. The one who almost beat him up.

"Move out of the way you clumsy bitch!"

"S-Sorry. . . I-It's just that I'm in a hurry right now!"

"Well you can be fast if you weren't in a room full of nerds aka, the library itself."

She laughed and walked away.

Zenitsu felt hurt about what she said. Considering he has a sensitive heart. He tries to bare with it and rused back what he was doing

As the day ends, he ran back home and rushed back upstairs. He's ready to go to sleep because he was curious about the scribbled  man. Maybe Tanjiro knows him. Considering he also saw the pictures in the other side of the slumber realm (That part on Part 6 btw)

But there is one problem.

How could he bring a book to his dreams? Well, I believe that he should hold the book as he sleeps.

So he got in to his pajamas and head back to the bed while holding the object.


He woke up once again. He finds himself in a cozy cabin as the walls were made of oak. He assumed he's in Tanjiro's place. How wonderful of a mastermind of the realm himself could live in such tiny space

"Oh! You're finally here Zenny!"

He sipped some of his coffee that were made by the freshest coffee beans planted from his garden.

". . . Oh. . . Tanjiro hey. . ."

Tanjiro chuckled and walked up to blonde one smiling and relieved that the boy had came back

"How's my little sunflower going in the waking world"

Zenitsu blushed as he heard those words.

"S-Sunflower?! Are you making nicknames for me now?"

"Well, I thought sunflower would be a perfect nickname for you! Despite looking at your beautiful golden hair!"

He warmly smiled at the blonde showing affection

". . . Eheh. . . I never expected you to call me that."

"Well that's what they say! Expect the unexpected!!"

He grabbed Zenitsu and tickled him

"Ahahah! Hey stop it! I just got here you know?!"

"I know I know. . . But the thing is, it doesn't feel the same when you're not around. Everything would feel so isolated and lonely without a single mankind around. But whenever you show up, my heart enlightens itself with joy! Seeing you around me, makes me happy."

"Awwww. . . You dumbass, that mean so a lot to me!"

He lightly punched Tanjiro's shoulder

"Whaaattt? I'm just speaking the truth here alright?

Anyways, what you got there? It looks like a big book."

"O-Oh! Year right um. . . I brought a memory book. From my school?"

"Oh wow! Your school?! What's the school year?"

"2005 to 2006. . ."

"Ahhh I see. I assumed they grew up to be the best people they always dreamed of!"

Tanjiro never looks down on others. . . Not only to the people he know nor Zenitsu, but to other people. How can a non existent figure could be so kind and less cruel compared to the waking world itself. . .

"Yeah but bringing this book here isn't only for fun. I-I came here because I wanted to ask if you knew this guy."

He turns to the page where the scribbled man is. He pointed at it

"It's this guy. His face is scribbled and I wanted to ask you if you know anything about this guy."

Tanjiro looked at the picture. Speechless. Does he know this guy?

Or perhaps a certain someone whom we may know.

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