𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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His eyes narrowed into mine, leading me to get lost in his eyes.
This dim candle lit dinner would be the worst yet best way to die. In my opinion, of course.

His lips purse against the lip of the glass, watching the liquid trickle down the glass onto his lips. As he slowly sips his drink to ease the silence.

There is a whole table between us, yet it feels like he is breathing down my neck.

The way I feel his lips as they graze down my skin, igniting each hair on my neck to stand up, and the heat that would circulate between my legs as he made his way down my skin.

"Claire." His voice startles me out of my dream. "You've been staring at me for five minutes now. Are you okay?" He slices into his piece of chosen protein. I'm unsure what it is from a distance.

"Yes, sorry. Just lost in thought."

"Was it anything I said that may be bothering you?" A concerned look made his face muscles relax for a short minute before he took another bite of his food.

I haven't touched my food yet, although I'm starving, I don't trust him.

"No, it wasn't." I shoot him a slight smile, trying to keep it cool.

"Yknow. Screw this dinner. Want to go get something better?" His words caused me to give him a confused look. I'm hoping he would elaborate on his outburst.

"Go for a drive or something?" He asks.
I'm worried that if he drives me too far, I might end up dead.

But part of me aches to know more about him, his motivation to branch out and be his own boss. His ideas, or the things he thinks that always have him so deep in thought.

It was dark outside by the time I agreed to go with him, I watched his posture relax and then fix itself as he felt a need to assert dominance when walking past people in his own home.

His driver hands him a set of keys before we walk into his garage. He's got a decent selection of fast cars.

"It's a lot, I know, I have one favorite car, though." He points to a black Lamborghini, unlocking it than opening the garage door. He reaches for the door handle, opening it for me.

As I sit down on his leather seats, taking in the scent of him within the car, he smiles at me.

He shuts my door, then hops in on his side. Fixing himself in the seat before starting the car.

"Anywhere specific?" He asks as we back out of the garage. "No?" I hesitate, I don't think I have anywhere in mind but the comfort of my own bed preferably.

"Good. It's a surprise then." We back out, and he turns the car to face the lane way as he cruises out of his driveway. It's a scenic drive from his house to the roads within the city.

Trees line the drive down his mountain terrain plot of land. Rock walls that the earth forged with careful thoughts and time. But were exposed to make the building of the roads easier.

"I love living up here." I look at him, the way he relaxed as we drove through the trees. "It's the calm before the storm in a sense. I feel relaxed and at ease. The drive is my time to just be me." He smirks, although it's almost as a pain seems to peak through his broken smiles. Like a distant memory aches inside him.

"I completely get it. This is probably the most calm I've ever been." Part of that is true, I'm freaking out on the inside. But the exterior of me is calm and relaxed. The stars and cresent moon show through the trees as they glitter through the sun roof.

"So, can I have a hint?" I smirk slightly as I fix the chair to my liking.

He ponders on my question as he turns to me, smiles, and shakes his head no.

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