The Break In

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It was time to get groceries, and Dream, always nervous, stays in the room. He can get anxious very easily, he was home alone and he was watching tv. It was pretty loud but he could still hear the slight glass shatter from the distance. He immediately covered himself up in his blanket. He was shaking and very scared. He even forgot to turn off the tv he was watching. He started texting George right away saying to come home but as he was texting he heard footsteps. He started crying loudly. He started sobbing while writing the text making alot of mistakes while writing it. When he finally sent the text George couldn't understand what he said, he asked him to repeat what he said. Dream couldn't though, and the worst part was that no one would hear him if he screamed as the walls are sound proof to make sure no one gets bothered while doing something. Dream was very scared. He couldn't type at all, he then heard the footsteps again this time closer. The footsteps continued getting and sounding closer and closer. He couldn't take it anymore he screamed and shouted as loud as he could (which is loud) "HELP ME SOMEONE IS IN HERE AND THEY BROKE INTO THE HOTEL!!", good enough, the next door neighbor hears that and calls the police.

When the police arrive they couldn't find anything. Just a few pieces of shattered glass. George was informed about this about an hour after the police arrived. The reason why George was told this so early is because the police needed to make sure Dream was okay first, which takes a pretty long time. George was very worried when he found out and he started driving home as soon as possible. When he got to the hotel, he ran up to dream's room. The police looked confused because they couldn't find any trace someone was even here except for the glass on the floor from the window. George bursts in the room and asks if Dream's okay, the police reply "Yes he is. However we can't find any evidence that someone was here so were going to have to leave. If there was no one here, our job is pretty much done.", George replies "Wait! No, you have to search a little more, you can't just call of the case, it's only been an hour." There was nothing the police could to expect leave. So they left.

Dream still looked super frightened from the incident, George starts comforting dream. It helped Dream alot after awhile. He ended up falling asleep on George's shoulder. George didn't know what else to do so he turned off the tv and started scrolling on twitter. He was very hungry so he got up and made some popcorn. After it was made he sat down and turned on a movie, not even an hour later he fell asleep with Dream.

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