[14] photoshoots

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"woah what's going on in here?" after asking any management in sight, i was finally able to locate the room they tried directing me to, but i was so lost it took me a while.

the second i walked in, it felt like the environment i was most used to. "now you're not the only model. check this out." pedri lifts up a piece of paper with his number and name with the stupidest face ever and i take the fastest picture of him before he could complain and tell me to delete it.

"déjame ver! (let me see!)" oh he'll see it later.

i put my phone back in my pocket and shake my head, walking past him to ferran and sira who were on a bench together. "you've been here the whole time?"

she nods and tells me she was looking for me but apparently when she knocked i didn't answer.

to be fair, that nap was really good.

i'm looking around the room at the crew and everyone in their jersey's. i guess they need more promo pics then they thought they would. but from the corner of my eye i can see ansu, nico, balde and gavi coming up to me.

though, it's pretty hard keeping a straight face after what i saw last night.

my friend back home sent me an edit if ansu, nico, and balde doing a little dance i could not take it so every voice message i sent back was me full on cackling. "there are my favorite dancers."

i even downloaded the app.

i didn't have to before, but now i know exactly why. i didn't get off it until after midnight. no wonder people like that app so much.

their faces go blank and they all look around one another. "you saw it?!"

more than once. "saw what?" my eyes dart back to gavi and i make my way next to him unlocking my phone and going to nico's account. i put the volume almost all the way up which only gets everyone's attention.

i let the video play like twice and that same cackle i had last night was the same one gavi and everyone was having right now.

"se ven ridículos! (you guys look ridiculous!)"

"just say you wish you had our moves."

to be fair, it was really good.

they start arguing and i make my own way to pedri who's sitting on the bench waiting for his turn. i slouch down next to him and lay my head on his shoulder. i know i took a nap, but i hate the after feeling of waking up from it as if i need another one. "we should have another sleep over soon."

"will you pay attention to me this time around?" i'm banning all devices from the next one, that's for sure. "i played for thirty minutes!" he shouldn't have played at all.

"i'll have to think about it."

"good, cuz there's already so much that needs to be talked about since the last one." i get off his shoulder but to no one's surprise, he's already looking at me with the biggest grin. "that's why all your promo pics suck."

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