Authors Note

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Think of this as sort of a trash dump. Yeah, that's a solid term. A trash dump for all of my Wrightworth story ideas and updates. If I come up with a prompt, I'll scribble (or rather, type quickly) it down here. I'm also taking requests, so if you have an idea that you want written, feel free to comment your idea. I'll try to get to all of them. My updates won't be regular, as both school and ringette take priority. Keep in mind I'm only 13 years old, so if my writing doesn't seem like it's on a "professional level," it's because it's not. This is just a place for me to practice and experiment. There will defenitly be mistakes, and lots of them, so be prepared. Thanks for reading!

                                                                       - Sincerely, Paige <3

Wrightworth / Narumistsu One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now