1: News and Fire

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Expect these to be mostly in Fan's POV when there is new chapters but other characters (of course) will get their own POVs too! :)

Hope you enjoy!

The minute I walk inside my room I feel at home again. It still has the same look and the same... well everything.

I always wonder where my mom or my family is but then again, I haven't seen my dad in a long time.

It's actually only been me and My Mom. Which I still can't remember her looks, or her voice. Not even what she acts like sometimes really.

But it's fine! I'm fine! It's just like living alone!

I got on top of my bed and kinda just sat there. Not knowing what to do. Maybe I should take a nap for once...


Fan: "Ugh... What...?"

I opened my phone to see a notification from... Test Tube?

It's 10:00 PM... what does she want?
I opened my phone up and read the text.

Test Tube🧪: "Fan! You can't believe what happened right now!"

Fan❤️📱: "Yeah? What's going on?"

Test Tube🧪: "Hold on, I REALLY need to call you for this! It is so much to explain!"

Fan❤️📱: "Sure, Go ahead?"

My phone started ringing so I picked up. And of course, I could hear Test Tube's voice through the phone.

Test Tube: "Fan!"

Fan: "Still here.."

Test Tube: "Guess what happened today! On the news!"

Fan: "Hm? What?"

I went to the kitchen and found some ramen. Oooh and it was my favorite too.
I put down my phone for a second so I can get the ramen ready to cook.

Test Tube: "Okay so, just this morning I was getting up and eating breakfast, right? And so I turned on the TV to see the news! And our school burned down! TODAY!"

Fan: "Wait... WHAT?!"

Once I heard that, I immediately picked up my phone.

Fan: "Are you serious?! Is everyone okay?!"

Test Tube: "Yes, Luckily, since it's a Sunday. But apparently one kid went missing right after this happened! Crazy, right?"

Fan: "That's... absolutely insane."

Test Tube: "I KNOW! And get this! They're gonna try and rebuild the school! Everything is gonna be SO different from what it used to look like!"

Fan: "What? How are they gonna manage to do that?"

Test Tube: "I don't know but in two weeks, we're gonna see!"

Test Tube: "They're gonna have new rooms, new equipment, heck! I think it's gonna have an outside! And the school is gonna be much bigger too!"

Fan: "That actually sounds pretty interesting and exciting! And two weeks off too! That's awesome!"

Test Tube: "I know, right? Hey, how about one of these days, we hang out! I mean, we got two whole weeks to do whatever we want!"

Fan: "Absolutely! Where should we hang out?"

Test Tube: "The Park? I dunno, it seems like a peaceful place."

Fan: "Yeah. I'd like that."

Test Tube: "Then a hang-out it is!"

I heard the microwave starts beeping right in the middle of our call.

Fan: "Sorry Test Tube, that was my microwave... Talk to you soon?"

Test Tube: "Oh, You bet!"

We hanged up the phone and I began to eat my ramen.

Two whole weeks without school and I get to hang out with my best pal, Test Tube!
This is gonna be awesome!

Wednesday - 3:00 pm

I was walking around in the Park now looking for Test Tube.

She's gotta be here any minute now, just where did she go?


Oh there she is!

She came up to me and gave me a small hug and then let go of me. My face was a little red from that but it didn't matter. I got to hang out with my cool best friend!

Fan: "So, what should we do first?"

Test Tube: "Hmmm, don't know... there's a lot of places to explore around this place!"

Fan: "I know! Maybe we can start over there! If that's what you want!"

Test Tube: "Yeah! That'll be great! Come on!"

Test Tube held my hand and we both walked over to some store or something.

Today is gonna be the best day ever!
And nothing is gonna ruin it! Hopefully not school either.

But of course. I got another notification from my phone.

Fan: "Huh? What's this?"

And I was absolutely, positively, shocked! Maybe even flabbergasted if that's even a word... but then again, it probably is.

Test Tube: "Why the shocked face?"

Fan: "They're gonna re-open the school tomorrow."

Test Tube: "What?! Let me see!"

"Inanimate Object students will be going back to school again tomorrow early since The re-build of the brand new school was finished early than expected."

Test Tube: "No. Freaking. Way."

Fan: "Oh no..."

Test Tube: "It's gonna be okay! Nothing's gonna go wrong!"

Fan: "Yeah, maybe for you, but for me? I don't know... Test Tube, everyone on this planet either has a power they get from birth or they just don't at all!"

Test Tube: "So? I won't stop being friends with you because you maybe don't have a power! You're my best friend! I'm not abandoning you!"

Fan: "I appreciate it.. but what is everyone else gonna think when they find out I don't even know my own power!"

Test Tube: "You don't have to listen to whatever people think about you, you're still you. Powerless or not. Nothings gonna change that."

Fan: "Yeah... maybe you're right. Thanks, Test Tube."

Test Tube: "Anytime, Fan."

Test Tube: "Now, Let's go have the best day of our lives!"

Fan: "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Woooo!"

Test Tube is right about a lot of things. Even when I felt like I was nobody for not knowing what power I had or even if I had a power, she always told me that if I had a power or not. I'm still who I am today. And it's true, if I didn't muster up the courage to ask her to be my friend when we first met then I wouldn't be with her today right now.

I'm glad I was able to meet my friends. And maybe, I can meet more too!

My mom always told me that I'm able to be a kind-hearted and caring person that would make a lot of friends. And she was right! Sort of... I did make some friends but not really a lot since my lack of social skills and possibly having social anxiety. I always felt nervous around new people I never met before and now, I've totally overcome that fear!

School might not be so bad after all! It's gonna be a breeze! Literally.

HELL YEAH 1109 WORDS WOOOOOOOO I feel like I'm gonna be writing this story at any chance I feel like would be perfect so maybe there will be daily updates? But until then, signing off. (Lol I did this at 1 am 😭)

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