3: Anxious.

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Fan POV (Self-explanatory)

Great. Gym Class. What wonder expects me there!

The Class started and people either went on the bleachers and did absolutely nothing or they were hogging all the dodgeballs, basketballs, soccer ball, just a lot of things in general.

And for some reason, I WAS DRAGGED INTO A DODGEBALL GAME? FOR WHAT REASON? Actually I don't even know what the reason is.

Huh. Well anyways, since I'm not good at sports, I just didn't know what to do except avoid the ball at all costs since
I didn't wanna get kicked out but I didn't want to be in the game either!

"Think fast!"

Before I could even blink, there was ball heading straight towards me!

Someone blew the ball away and caught it! Which made the person throwing it out of the game.

The person who caught it was a salmon-colored Balloon. They just held the ball in their hands not knowing what to do. And I can't blame them.

Soon, A Sliver Coin comes up to them and asks them what they're gonna do with the ball.

But the Balloon turned around and saw me.

"Oh! Hey! Sorry about Trophy trying to aim the ball in your face."

Fan: "It's fine."

"Sometimes, He can't even handle his own strength. And I wonder why."


Nickel: "Geez. My bad."

Nickel: "But this is obviously normal for Trophy to do this. What did you expect from him?"

"I guess but-"

Fan: "I don't mean to interrupt but may I ask who you both are?"

Nickel: "Nickel."

Balloon: "Balloon!"

Fan: "Cool, I'm Fan!"

Nickel: "Oh right, do you have a power or something?"

Balloon: "Why would you ask him that?"

Nickel: "I mean, you can fly and do other cool things, I have this stupid luck thing so..."

Balloon: "You like my powers?"

Nickel: "Okay, Yes! Maybe! Look, that's not the point."

Fan: "You see- that's the problem. I don't know."

Nickel: "...Wait. Are- Are you serious?"

Fan: "Yeah."

Balloon: "You know that once the principal hears about this, he's gonna-"

And the bell rings again.

Nickel looks at Balloon with some worry in his eyes. What's wrong with me not knowing my power? What's the principal gonna tell me? I'm so confused.

Nickel: "We'll explain it later. We need to go."

Balloon: "Yeah... Sorry, Fan..."

And they just walked away. Just like that. Until another person came behind me.


Fan: "Ah! Who are you two?"

One of them was a Salt-Shaker and the other a Pepper-Shaker..? Those two were on the bleachers when I first walked into the Gymnasium.

Salt: "Anyways, like I'm Salt and this is like Pepper, I guess."

Pepper: "Hey!"

Fan: "Oh! Okay? I'm Fan!"

Pepper: "So like do you have a power?"

Fan: "Well actually, I-"

Salt: "No, Pepper, we share our powers first. Then he can. Anyways. Watch what I can do."

Salt blows some kiss towards my way and it hits my face. I cough out whatever puff just hit my face. It smelled like perfume.

Salt: "So basically, I can like control who loves who. Got it?"

Fan: "Got it..."

Pepper: "Oh and like, I can posses people! Like you!"

Fan: "Hehe... please don't..."

Salt: "Anyways, we gotta go. See ya later, Fan!"

Fan: "Y-Yeah. Bye."

And the two girls walked away. Well, School's already going fine. And it's gonna end soon! Thank god!

And next I have... Science! Yes! Maybe I can see Test Tube today!

I went to the second floor science lab and there she was!

Test Tube: "Fan! Finally, I get to see you today!"

Fan: "Test Tube! Hi!"

Test Tube: "How's your first day so far? Did anyone make fun of you for not having a power? Because I will fight them if they-"

Fan: "No! It went well! I met other people."

Test Tube: "Oh! Perfect! Anyways, the teacher isn't here yet so we can just relax."

Fan: "Test Tube?"

Test Tube: "Yeah?"

Fan: "What happens when the principal finds out that someone doesn't know what they have?"

Test Tube: "...Oh boy. I-"

The teacher comes in and immediately starts class and I keep looking over to Test Tube but she seems nervous.

What does happen?

What is the principal gonna do?

Soon, Next Period comes around and I can already feel the chaos and havoc.

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