P.S. Its a long road out of hell :) {2}

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"Smoking weed is a problem. Being a druggie is a problem. A problem in which everyone who's self aware of it, leaves you at your own devices. All they'll do is "pray" to their God and keep their hopes high. But do you really think God can help me now, cause I can't. I mean he never has before."

My inner conscience nodding before it spoke. "Weed isn't necessarily a bad thing; as long as you do it with a careful hand, a careful head. Being a drug addict on the other hand is dangerous."

"It's gotten worse too."

"Why would you say that?" It's eyes begging me to speak, to answer.

I smirk, " I've been smoking weed in some of the most ironic places ever imagined. Today, I chose a shitted up hell hole of a bathroom in the one and only holy land of the apostolic church."

I can just imagine the look on Jesus's face. Priceless.

My newfound shrink tries too hard to cover up his surprise. "Well look, there's always a reason behi-"

"And to make matters even better there's a social group around the corner with stressed n' depressed teens. Teens who didn't pull the trigger quick enough."

With its mouth wide open and its head shaking in disbelief my conscience stared at me. I hold the stare, challenging him to say something, but we both knew there was nothing to say.

My conscience disappears, I guess I really was alone all this time


We stumble, we fall, we lay on the ground in an utter mess. Brian won't stop telling stupid knock knock jokes and Brad won't stop giggling at them. And the sad thing is I don't know what is worse.

Half a joint, that's all they had. Half. Me? Let's just say my mind is racing at a 1000 miles per hour and it isn't because of the damn weed. My brain isn't functioning right. Shit.

"Why so serious?" Brad asks, giggling at his own joke. He pokes the frown severely stitched onto my face. Why am I so serious? Oh right, I'm not high at the tiniest bit.

I need to get them out of here before they caught by an ever so prude nun; or if they're lucky, a priest.

"Brad, can you stop giggling like a little fucking school girl?

He answers with yet another giggle. "Sorry, it's just that I can stop lau-"

Brian slams the bathroom door open, knocking over the garbage can, and carelessly stumbles out. Fucking kill me now.

I pick up (or at least I try to) Brad. I burst through the bathroom door with what feels like some newfound energy. Damn. Brian's already halfway down the hallway, crashing into one wall after the other. I chase after him.

"Brian stop, just fucking stop."

Too late, he already turned the knob and entered the room. The room filled with suicidal teens.

I catch up to him within a matter of seconds, just wasn't quick enough. So now I'm standing in a room filled with people wearing frowns and tons of black. They just stare.

" Oh, you three must be the ones we're missing." An old nun with thick ass glasses barley gets out before a coughing fit. She must not be able to see for shit; I mean Brian and Brad can't even stand up straight, she doesn't think anything's wrong with that?

"Come sit" she points at the only three seats left. Oh nice one God. Guess the BIG G really does have a dark sense of humor after all.

"No you must be mistaken, we must of toke a wrong turn." I put out as politely as I can. I smile.

The old lady just laughs "Nonsense, you're in a church basement, there are no wrong turns. Come sit" she pats two seats next to her. "Jesus did bring you here for a reason after all, right?" Give me a break.

The twins happily sit down in the seats on both sides of the nun, leaving me with the one next to this scary chick. I grumble and sit my ass down.

The nun just keeps on talking, blah blah blah. This really is nonsense. I try to count how many piercing all these kids have, which equals up to a hell of a lot.

Suddenly I get hit with a cool breeze and whisper that will forever send tingles down my spine. "Jeesh man, you look like you've been to hell and back."

I slowly creep my head to the other side, it was the scary chick. Yet she wasn't that scary, black hair, dark eyes that gleam with direct sunlight and pale skin with rosy cheeks. Cute actually.

"Why would you say that?"

She smiles softly " I don't know, maybe because I've been there and let me tell you, it's a long road out of hell."


This is my first time ever writing on Wattpad so don't get your hopes up that high for me. I'm still learning. And about grammar, well, let's just say I'm not the best at that either, so sorry bout that.
Thanks- a.

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