The Lagios short stories continue in this third part. With many, many new characters and scenarios introduced and still ongoing. The journey toward Aries and his Zodiac Demons continue in this part. 4 months after Mina defeated the Birthstone Demon...
''The World of Lagios a land seemingly endless in possibilities in what it holds. Over the years the land has gone on to hold many inhabitants. Humans, Darklings, Gods and even Demons. Each and every creature has played a role of some kind in shaping our world. However there is one that remains different from the others. Monsters often we are seen as beasts, vicious mindless beasts capable of nothing but terror and destruction. The lowest of the low not even Darklings acknowledge us. Hunted down and exterminated many of us have fallen to both Human and Darkling alike and none bat an eye at the death of any of us no matter how many are killed. It is thought that the world would be a better place if we were all gone. Is our role in the world to leave nothing but destruction? Are we destined to be nothing more than bloodthirsty beasts to humans? Creatures not worth batting an eye over?
But what if we wanted to be different?''
''In the far reaches of the western end of Lethe. A town lay close near the edge of the land not far off from the vast sea. This town located southwest is known as Zoa. Zoa is a town most noted for always seeming to have a climate all its own the town has always stayed drenched in water as there as the weather remained rainy there practically all year round storms and rain was normal for this town and the people there have long since adjusted to their rainy place of living. The Western reaches of Lethe, however, was not completely quiet with the Zodiac demon Pisces operating her movements on that end of the country however the southwest region was relatively free of her activities and there would lay a different separate conflict.
Within the Northern reaches of the town it was like any other day as heavy rain fell all throughout the town, people carried about their daily lives all carrying umbrellas there were some people in the mix who chose not to carry any umbrellas. Zoa was filled with many gray-colored buildings where much of the population lived and many of these buildings appeared like and were built like high-rise apartments Zoa was noted to be one of few towns with the most tallest buildings in one place as a majority of them were built to be tall. This rainy town rarely saw anything in the form of trouble and remained at relative peace in a world all its own. Despite the gloomy appearance of Zoa the citizens themselves were not of the same gloom of the town they lived in.
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Running back and forth through the town the sound of horse hooves running across the stone road and the laughter of a child could be heard through the sound of the falling rain.''
Unicorn:*Neighs rearing up a bit then getting back to running about the town.*
''The strange horse creature and the human boy. This horse never before seen appeared to be a unicorn. This unicorn had a white fur coat and had beautiful scarlet red eyes while also having a strange horn that was red colored and appeared to be made of crystal. The Unicorn had a long flowing red mane which was flattened due to being wet from the rain and a tail the same color as the mane. The mane and the tail both gave off a glittering sparkle sometimes the color of which being a dark red color.''