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Preeta Kumar played by Shraddha arya

Alpha Karan Shetty played by Dheeraj Dhopar

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Alpha Karan Shetty played by Dheeraj Dhopar

Meera - Preeta's motherMahesh - preeta's fatherMonnu - preeta's brotherNayanthara - preeta's aunt

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Meera - Preeta's mother
Mahesh - preeta's father
Monnu - preeta's brother
Nayanthara - preeta's aunt

Dakshina pack
Alpha Kamal - Alpha Karan's father
Luna payal - Alpha Karan's mother
Sherish - Alpha Karan's beta
Mahima - Sherish's mate


I by no means have any intention to hurt the sentiments of any particular person, society, gender, creed, nation or religious group.

I(author) have taken alot of efforts to write this book please don't plagiarise my work.
(I know that my work is not that great but recently only one of my favourite author's book got plagiarised so I ain't taking chances)

The images i have taken them from Pinterest and the credit belongs to the respective artists.I do not own them.

There has been some changes made in the hindu mythology mostly related to the moon- werewolf part by me to suit this story. I respect the beliefs of people and have no intentions to hurt anyone's sentiments. It's a work of fiction so i request you to take it as such.

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