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The mustards put into the oil were spluttering when preeta added the onions.

"Preeta betaa what are you doing here?" said payal.

"Auntie i was hungry so thought to cook tamarind rice for breakfast"

"Comeon now pass me the laddle i would prepare it. My mother in law didn't allowed me to enter the kitchen till almost 6 years after my marriage. I would do the same to my daughter in law" payal said looking affectionately at preeta.

"6 years auntie"

"Yeah and i have called the househep and she would come to cook dishes when we will leave?"

Sitting at the chair before the kitchen island and placing her hands on it,preeta questioned
"You are going somewhere "

"I and your uncle are leaving for Rajasthan tomorrow morning"

"Anything special auntie"

"Nothing special betaa, after karan became the Alpha we both keep going on small vacations. After years of looking at the pack business and our family business your uncle too needed some rest".

Preeta nodded.

"....make sure to bring Alpha Raman's attention to this matter, bhabhi ishita would try her best to keep it a secret" karan said walking into the kitchen with a pack member beside him.

"That bastard alpha Tanmay should be punished Alpha!"

As karan saw his mate with his mother in the kitchen, he ordered the man beside him
"Leave and do as I said"

Karan came to stand behind preeta and wrapped his hand around her waist.

Preeta shuffled uncomfortably and turned her head and glared, "move it"

Giving a small kiss on her lips karan said "nope"

"Karan take preeta to mahima's place at evening. The pack members want to prepare the room for tonight and when are her parents coming?"

Preeta started blushing but replied
"I called my chikki she said they would be coming by lunch."

Moving his hands from her waist karan went on to make chai for them.

"Does anyone need my help"preeta asked.

Karan shook his head in a no while her mother in law gave her a shocked expression as if wondering why would preeta ask such a thing even when she made her declaration that the kitchen was a no gone zone to her new daughter in law!!!.

A chukle left Karan's mouth as he watched his mother's shocked expression "mom preeta is joking"

Preeta shook her head in positive.

"Take this" karan said handing preeta her chai.

After having breakfast karan took Preeta's hand and they went for a stroll.

But preeta was stuck admiring the beautiful garden looked after by Karan's mother. She started tending to the flowers around the House. Karan simply watched his mate who according to him was very much in love with the flowers.

The large number in which the maroon sunflowers were surrounding the house was astonishing. Preeta wondered how she missed it when she first came here.

Catching the lingering of her eyes, karan smiled "they have blossomed just 3 days back. A very rare breed of sunflowers since my childhood i have never seen them blossom, used to wonder why mom still kept these flowers!"

Her dream also had a maroon flower... Strange

Karan came up behind her and hugged her, "mate will you allow me to...."

The Alpha's words were cut short by mahima.

"Good afternoon alpha and luna"

A growl came from Karan's chest and preeta eyed him.

"Hey how are you doing mahima. how's this little one doing?"preeta put her hand on mahima's little bump.

"All well Luna i hope i didn't disturb you both. The ceremony is today i was hoping to take you with me for the before wedding rituals."

What rituals?

"The haldi ceremony luna!! You would love it."

Giving an awkward smile to to mahima,preeta turned to look at her mate.
Karan gave a small smile and kissed her cheeks.
"See you tonight preeta"

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